Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Giving Tree

If you're lucky enough 
to be friends with a tree,
you can learn quite a lot 
about the way things should be.

A tree offers shade
on a bright sunny day,
and this free gift of giving
invites people to stay.

It knows how to bend
in a gathering storm,
and stands tall once again
when it's nice out and warm.

When the fall strips it bare
a tree may shed a tear,
but you know that its leaves
will come back the next year.

And a tree serves as proof
that the best thing to try -
be rooted to the earth
and reach for the sky.

Featured: a day trip to Mount Gilboa


FlashinScissors said...

What gorgeous photos Amalia. The food looks delicious - and now I'm feeling really peckish. What a lovely verse - I've always been interested in nature. In our garden, we hang out nut and seed feeders for the birds, and this morning have been watching them also eating the red little berries in the nearby trees. Barbara xx

Amy at love made my home said...

Beautiful! Happy Christmas! xx

mamasmercantile said...

It must have been a great trip. the photos are stunning. I have to admit I was drawn to the food, it looks delicious, particularly the bread. The verse was outstanding.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Amazing photos Amalia!!!!! :)

Tricia Buice said...

Wonderful poem - you are absolutely gifted! Thanks for the photos of your trip - it looks amazing!

Maya Kuzman said...

I love your post! The images are lovely and I absolutely fell for the poem! It's gorgeous! Did you write it?

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful photos and great poem. Love the yummy food.

La Table De Nana said...

I agree lovely photos and a dear poem:)

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

You are a gifted poet and photographer, Amalia! Your photos of the scenery are breathtaking, and the food photos look like they came from a magazine! Delish! I love the message in your poetry.

Thanks for sharing!

Meredith said...

One of my favorite poems ever. And I am a huge fan of trees, give me a tree any day even over a flower.
Hugs to you,

Suzan said...

You touched my heart with your Poem of the Tree!!
Lovely pictures of your day trip to Mount Gilboa!!
And your bread with all the spreads!! OOO LaLa!! I KNOW it was delicious!!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I love to take day trips, Amalia, and it looks like yours was very successful. I enjoyed all your lovely photos, especially as was mentioned before the food. I guess maybe that's because I'm reading this before I've had breakfast. I love your poetry. The message is this poem is so true. Love to you dear Amalia. ~ Nancy

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

The food in your pictures look delicious for sure. What a beautiful trip. I really like the last two pictures... the place looks so inviting. And your words are, as usual, a delight to read.

Diane said...

Wow your pictures are fabulous Amalia, what a wonderful poem.

Hugs diane

Kim said...

Fabulous photos, beautiful poem. I love the last two lines.

Anna said...

Lovely pictures (yummy too) and lovely words...
Have a lovely week !

Ann Thompson said...

Beautiful photos. Love the scenery and the food all looks delicious. That's a great poem too

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Magical pictures and wonderful text. I think it's a great thing to aim at for 2016 : rooted in the Earth and reaching for the sky!

Gumbo Lily said...

Looking through the trees, I was especially interested in the plots of crops everywhere. It appears those who farm really know how to use every square inch of soil.

The bread, the bread, the bread.

My eldest Granddaughter loves The Giving Tree and she draws pics of it all the time.


Daniela said...

What stunning photographs, my sweetest friend, and the verses you've accompanied them with, are so very true, maybe because I also love Nature so much, I couldn't live far from it and far from my trees !
We're meeting again before than Christmas arrives, won't we ?
... For the Greetings, of course ... so, for the moment, I wish you a lovely Sunday,
sending love and hugs,

Beth said...

Lovely photos - thanks for sharing!

Retro blue said...

Dear Amaila,
I knew that you are so sensitive person.
Thank you fot lovely pictures and poem .
Hugs from France.

Nina said...

Loving your beautiful photos and the reflective poem on trees - yes, they're the lungs of the earth - so let us protect each one of them!

September Violets said...

What incredible views from the top! Love that poem with a special message for us all.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I just love the poem and the pictures that go so perfectly with it. What a magnificent ancient place!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

How lovely...the poem and your always beautiful photos!

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

Such beautiful scenery! And delicious food!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh this is lovely -- the scenery, the poetry, the way you share the beauty you see around you.

You just made my day complete with your lovely comment on my blog. Thank you! I am so glad our paths have crossed for you and your blog are a gift to me too!

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...

handmade by amalia said...

It is ancient! This is the place where King Saul fell on his sword after fighting the Philistines. But on a sunny day, with other travelers around, I can't honestly say that you could sense the history.

handmade by amalia said...

Each is precious and no two are alike! Thanks for vising me, Nina, and happy holidays.

handmade by amalia said...

We don't have a lot of land so must make the most of it :-) The Giving Tree was one of my favorites growing up, still is. It is one of those books that work for all ages.

handmade by amalia said...

A new resolution! Perfect. Happy holidays, Magali.

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you, Kim. I had a different poem in mind when I started, and then this one came out.

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you so much for this, Vickie! And I'll freely admit that the food was indeed delish :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks, Maya. Yes, I write all the poems on my blog.

handmade by amalia said...

What a pretty image, Barbara. I've been thinking a lot about birds lately. Our skies are quite busy with flocks migrating for the winter.

priya said...

Love your photos.. I am your new fan now

Kim said...

Sublime!! Glorious photos of beautiful trees, patchwork fields, sun-filled flowers, delicious food....and the piece de resistance...your lyrical poetry! I don't think I will ever tire of your inspired poetry, Amalia. Wishing you the most wonderful week. Xx

Little Wandering Wren said...

You are multi talented, the poem, the photos - did you cook all that fabulous looking food too?!
Have a happy day!
Wren x

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Ah I just love this poem! :)

Lovely photos as always but such wonderful poetry.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Ah I just love this poem! :)

Lovely photos as always but such wonderful poetry.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Such a lovely poem Amelia. You're very, very takented.

The Giving Tree is such a wonderful story. Your poem is worthy of a spot in that book.

chateau chic said...

Lovely post and gorgeous photos!!
Mary Alice

Lara B. said...

So much history there. Such breathtakingly beautiful photographs Amalia! I particularly love the last stanza of your poem, about being rooted in the earth and reaching for the sky. The Giving Tree is one of our favorite books here.

Celestina Marie said...

Your photos are amazing as always. Love them and the talent you share with your camera. The tree poem is beautiful!!
Thank you for sharing. xo

Anonymous said...

Amelia, what a beautiful post, photos and poem! So true! I love the book too! Have a wonderful week!

Conniecrafter said...

Wow, Amazing photo's, I love the landscape ones that show the different fields and water!! I wish our yard had more trees, but we don't live far from wooded areas that are fun to explore. Neat poem... Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, how very very kind, Kim! You quite made my day, dear friend.

handmade by amalia said...

What a wonderful, generous compliment, Doreen. Thank you so very much.

handmade by amalia said...

I like how we find more things in common. It is a book that works for all ages, I think. The best ones do.

handmade by amalia said...

I've heard a lot about the power of trees but I'm only now beginning to understand it. We are constantly running around. I guess there is a special strength the comes from standing firm.

handmade by amalia said...

It was :-) And I'm glad you liked it, I know your passion for trees.

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you. And welcome!

handmade by amalia said...

No, we stopped for brunch at a lovely place on top of the mountain.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Amalia, you should publish your poem! It is beautiful and accompanied by gorgeous photos! xo♥

Carla from The River said...

I just love your posts. I am so glad I found your blog, I have enjoyed every post.
Happy 2016 to you!!

Dewena said...

Such wonderful pictures to accompany this poem! It must have been an amazing place to visit.

There are 3 sugar maples right outside my kitchen door that are a big green umbrella during the hot days of summer. They mean so very much to me. A huge elm sold our home to my husband but it is the 3 sugar maples that said to me, "We will protect you in the summer, let beauty drift down to you in the fall, give graceful lines to your eyes in winter, and send new hope every spring dressed in velvety tender green."

Your message to me recently, Amalia, made my day! I feel as if your posts are a gentle home for me to visit.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

What a beautiful place, and I just adore your poem too!

Bonnie said...

Wish I could write poems like you. This was a beautiful poem and great scenery to go along with it. Your photography is very good. Your topography is so different from my area as well as the vegetation.
You should compile all your poems in a book along with your pictures.

Rose @ Walnut Acre said...

What beautiful photos! I just love trees. My daughter loves trees too, especially in winter when they are bare and she can see the patterns of the branches.

Benita said...

Absolutely beautiful Amalia! I hope that you and your family have a most wonderfully blessed Christmas!!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

What a great day trip...Gorgeous trees and even more gorgeous food!

Merry Christmas

Ana said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful poem. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas week.


Keri said...

Amalia, I love your poem; it's quite beautiful!! Your trip to Mt. Gilboa looks amazing, and the food, scrumptious!!!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautiful poem and photos. That is the name of the mountain that Saul died on. I had to look it up, because trivia sticks in my mind. Merry Christmas. xoxo Su

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful photos!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Merry Christmas!!

Poções de Arte said...

Bom dia!
As fotos estão belíssimas, mas a primeira mostra toda a exuberância de quem vê nessa vida, a amizade! Amei o poema!!!

Que Deus esteja com vc e toda a família neste Natal!
Que todas as bênçãos do nascimento de Cristo perdurem em todos os dias do novo ano e que vocês possam estar sempre aos pés dEle, pois é o único que pode nos dar a alegria verdadeira, aliviar nossas dores e nos dar a vida eterna.
Boas Festas!

Abraços esmagadores.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a lovely poem and the tree is beautiful. The views are beautiful and the food looks delicious too. Looks like a fabulous day trip. Enjoy your week ahead! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Gorgeous photos! xx

Meta said...

Härliga bilder denna regniga December
Ha en fin och bra Jul och Ett Gott Nytt År. så ses vi då med nya inlägg här
Kram Meta

Debby Ray said...

What a beautiful place...and lovely photos, Amalia! That is such a beautiful poem. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Amalia, what a lovely post about trees! The photos are so pretty and the I like your thoughts on trees too. :)
Thanks so much for your recent visit and comment. Wishing you and yours a blessed and happy Christmas!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Amalia, what a lovely post about trees! The photos are so pretty and the I like your thoughts on trees too. :)
Thanks so much for your recent visit and comment. Wishing you and yours a blessed and happy Christmas!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love your photos, especially the ones taken from hight up looking down. And I really enjoyed reading the poem!

Anonymous said...

The first tree looks very special! The way you organized this post gives me a taste of this whole region - lovely! Also, the patches of land is striking. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

What a beautiful place to visit! Wishing you a Merry Christmas Amalia!

Down by the sea said...

Your day trip looks wonderful! I have followed individual trees for a year and it is lovely to observe them over that period.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas. Sarah x

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for another lovely post, Amelia. I appreciate your creativity! Wishing you happy days. xx

Lorrie said...

Thanks for sharing your outing with us Amalia. Beautiful scenery from the top of the mountain. And the picnic tables in the trees look like the perfect place to enjoy good food with people you love.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photographs. Have a magical holidays!



Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great photos - thanks for sharing with us. The food look so good.
Wishing you and your family a Very Merry and Wonderful Holiday Season.

TexWisGirl said...

how wonderful. may you always have plenty - for your heart, body and mind.

Tante Mali said...

What a wonderful post dear Amalia! Heartwarming!
Have a wonderful Holiday Season

Tante Mali said...

What a wonderful post dear Amalia! Heartwarming!
Have a wonderful Holiday Season

VeggieMummy said...

Wonderful poem, glorious photos and that food - oh, you have me salivating. Have a wonderful Christmas, Amalia. xx

VeggieMummy said...

Wonderful poem, glorious photos and that food - oh, you have me salivating. Have a wonderful Christmas, Amalia. xx

Mary said...

Such a beautiful mountain place Amalia, and your photos are amazing from the top. I love the food - much of which I would thoroughly enjoy I'm sure! The knife and fork sculpture is unusual - does it denote a restaurant or picnic area perhaps?
Your poem is lovely - I too have an affinity for trees and have played among them joyfully since a child.

Happy holidays Amalia.
May the new year bring peace and joy to this world in turmoil - and people learn to be more loving and caring.
Hugs - Mary

handmade by amalia said...

The knife and fork sculpture was at the cross-road leading to the restaurant where we had the brunch featured in the post (it was as delicious as it looks). Thank you for your lovely message, Mary, and a happy new year to you .

handmade by amalia said...

It was a beautifully sunny day and those picnic tables filled up very quickly. We were lucky - as soon as we decided to start heading back, the first raindrops began to fall.
A hug for you, Lorrie.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I absolutely love your poem, Amalia. I love the trees and all of the wild life they bring to our yard. It would be a sad world without them. Lovely photos of your day trip and the food looks scrimptious! May your have a wonderful holiday season, Amalia, and a very Happy New Year! xo

Parsimonious Décor Darling said...

Beautiful words and sights! Wishing you Holiday Cheer and all the best in the New Year!

handmade by amalia said...

Yes, it is a place steeped with history. And because for the most part the mountain is completely uninhabited, you are free to image what it might have been like in biblical times. I think the ice cream trucks where not so much in evidence back then :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, thank you, Bonnie. It is one of my dreams to have a book of my poems. Hopefully one day.

handmade by amalia said...

Your 3 sugar maples sound like the beginning of a story or a poem, Dewena. What a beautiful image. A hug and a kiss.

handmade by amalia said...

What a lovely lovely thing to say, Carla, quite made my day. I've loved following your adventures and look forward to next year. A hug.

Feral Turtle said...

What a beautiful tour! You have some pretty amazing photography and poetry skills Amalia!! Hope you have a great New Years my friend!! Cheers.

Helen Philipps said...

How lovely! Such a thoughtful poem and beautiful photographs. Happy Holidays, Amalia!
Helen xox

Vee said...

Beautiful countryside! I like the poem very much and am unfamiliar with it. A good life lesson.

cristina said...

Great words! and lovely photos!
many thanks for your visit! you make me so happy!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a nice life!
be happy! Kisses from catalonia!

cristina said...

Great words! and lovely photos!
many thanks for your visit! you make me so happy!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a nice life!
be happy! Kisses from catalonia!

Red Rose Alley said...

The "tree" poem was wonderful. Trees are very special to me. I'm always taking pictures of them. These are interesting and wonderful pictures of your day trip to Mount Gilboa.

Wishing you the Merriest Christmas, Amalia.


Donna said...

What beautiful photos! Were they taken in Italy? Have a very Merry Christmas!

white and vintage said...

thanks a lot for your lovely comments on my blog. I wish you a merry Christmas.
Hugs, Christine

sweetbriardreams said...

What a stunning post both in words and glorious sun filled photos! Such a welcome change :) Thanks so much for popping by my blog during my recovery period, your comments have been so welcome. Have a wonderful festive period xx

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Thank you for the wonderful poetry and pictures over the year. Looking forward to more in the coming year. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Things and Thoughts said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family dear Amalia!
Love, Olympia

Bridget said...

I love this, and the pictures are amazing!

It's lovely to "meet" you - thanks for visiting my blog.

Merriest of Christmases to you and yours!

Tammy said...

Lovely! Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

ewa777 said...

Amalia, I really love these pictures. Your poem is also a beautiful and very impressive.

Green Thumb said...

Mount Galboa is beautiful. I love your photos! I'm friends with the trees, always.That's why I keep planting more! Nice poem!

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very nice! Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very nice! Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄

handmade by amalia said...

No, these were taken about a couple of hours' drive from where I live.

Ela said...

Just gorgeous photos !! Thanks for your kind wishes !!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas time !!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a wonderful post, thank you.

My best wishes to, at this special time of year ...

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

What a wonderful post, thank you.

My best wishes to, at this special time of year ...

All the best Jan

Poppy said...

Beautiful images to complement a wonderful poem, Amalia. I love the pic of the second last photo of that gorgeous landscape; how pretty and peaceful.

Wishing you a fun and festive season, my friend.


Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Terrific photos---wonderful scenery and delectable food!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Beautiful poem, Amalia! Looks like an amazing place to visit! Maybe next time I get to Israel!

Tant Gröns Lilla Bod said...

I love the photos and the poem is beautiful! Thank you :).

Happy holidays to you and a blessed new year!

~ Maria ~

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What beautiful photos you've share, Amalia, and a wonderful poem to accompany them. Happy New Year!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Beautiful, beautiful post! Happy New Year!!!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hello Amalia, beautiful name by the way. Your pictures are lovely. Such a beautiful poem you are sharing. Thanks so much for your sweet visit. Many blessings to you. Happy Holidays.

Margie said...

The images that you captured at your trip are beautiful! Your lovely post reminded me of one of my favourite children's books: The Giving Tree.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi Amalia, The views from that mountain are wonderful and the food looks yummy.
Have a Happy New Year!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I enjoyed every bit of your adventure that you shared with us! The sauces served with bread looked incredibly yummy! And the unique fork and knife - so fun! And your poem... ahh! Oh how I agree... the beauty and worth of a tree are amazing if only you will stop and learn, indeed! Delightful post dear Amalia, and oh the talent that you share with us, photography, poetry, and just your eye for the little details that amaze! Have a blessed and fabulous day :)

Fiona said...

Stunning scenery and that looks soooo appetizing.

Vee said...

Oh I very much enjoyed seeing these photos...what beautiful scenes! And I love the poem and the photo you used to complement the poem. It does look like A Giving Tree.

Wonky Patchwork said...

What a lovely poem, particularly that last verse. And you photos are gorgeous as ever, you always take pictures of the most mouthwatering food.

The French Hutch said...

I love this post, I love trees. What a lovely poem, description is delightful!
Happy week to you……..

handmade by amalia said...

What a wonderful comment. Thank you.

Enara Girl said...

Very nice pictures. I am friend with trees. I am thinking about having one at home. xoxo