Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Greatest Gift

A simple feast of jam and bread,
a bit of crafting with needle and thread,
a scary film seen to the end - 
all are much nicer when shared with a friend.

I'm sad to report that these two
have had a falling out over a certain handsome teddy bear.
Friends no more.


Maya Kuzman said...

Haha... Pity they fell out because of a teddy :)
Love the dolls Amalia!

magnoliasntea said...

What a shame! Anyone can see these two are made for each other. Some dolls are just all looks and no brains, I think. ;) Love their starry eyes.

magnoliasntea said...

What a shame! Anyone can see these two are made for each other. Some dolls are just all looks and no brains, I think. ;) Love their starry eyes.

Carmen Lúcia.Prazer de Escrever said...

Que pena!
Bjs Amália,obrigada pela visita e um Feliz 2016.
Carmen Lúcia.

La Table De Nana said...

At first I thought they were mixing spoons..they often fight too:)They are adorable Amelia..have a great New Year.

Nancy Chan said...

They are pretty. I think very soon they will make up again.

Gumbo Lily said...

A falling out over a Teddy Bear? Hardly worth it. I hope they figure that out very soon.
(adorable, as always)

Kim said...

It's always about a boy isn't it? I hope he's worth it! ;)

Ela said...

Beautiful !! I wish you a happy New Year !!

Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl said...

I think they're going to work things out! :)

Benita said...

Awww, I hate they are into it over Teddy! Hopefully they will reconcile before too long! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Lorrie said...

Oh, those teddy boys - hope their friendship is soon restored.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I guess we would have to see the handsome teddy bear to understand! heehee! Enjoy your week sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

September Violets said...

Two's company ... three's a crowd ;)

Preeti said...

Teddies are so dominating.....never mind, still they both look so cute:)

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

So cute! xoxo Su

Kim said...

They are so very sweet.....oh I do hope they settle their tiff very soon. =)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh those bears....one must beware of their charms! Lovely work, fun and fabulous poem.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

This post perked my mood up immensely. After Christmas duldrums have set in and any spark of joy is appreciated.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Oh, they'll make up! They are too much alike! Adorable

Jacqueline said...

They are so cute. Happy New Year!

Conniecrafter said...

They are just adorable and so unique, Love them and your poem ;)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh dear, they must make up! You are so clever, dear Amalia, and quite crafty, I must say! xo ♥

Daniela said...

Oh my !
For a teddy bear ... well, they're all so fascinating, aren't they :) ?

Have a very Happy and blessed New Year, filled with love, joy and health
sending love and sweet hugs to you

Lara B. said...

Hahaha - so cute and whimsical Amalia! I hope they both get over Handsome Teddy and become good friends once again!

Quilting Stories said...

Lovely little dolls! Have a wonderful New Year's eve Amalia!

Géraldine B. said...

Lovely !!! I wish you a wonderful new year .... hugs

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Leave it to a boy to come between two girl friends :) So cute! A Happy and Healthy New Year to you. Amalia.

Pom Pom said...

Adorable! So very sweet!

She loves to crochet said...

Gorgeous! Have a Happy New Year Amalia. Hx

The Charm of Home said...

Amalia! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! So cute!

Tricia Buice said...

So adorable - the poem is wonderful. Have a very Happy New Year!

Keri said...

Amalia, what sweet toys and drawing!! I love the poem; that bear must've been really handsome to separate such good friends. ;) Happy New Year Amalia!!!!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Just so cute! Too cute to not be besties! Happy new year!!!

Le crocette di Mariuccia said...

Very lovely, Happy New Year! Mariuccia

Retro blue said...


Amalia, Happy New Yer:) All the best from France;)

Lowcarb team member said...

Well I hope they do make up and be friends soon ...

Happy New Year Wishes

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Well I hope they do make up and be friends soon ...

Happy New Year Wishes

All the best Jan

Meredith said...

They are so cute they will make up soon, friendship is more important than a cute bear.
Hugs and Happy New Year!

ewa777 said...

It is cute! Amalia, I wish you a very happy New Year:)

Carla from The River said...

:-)) Ha!
Happy New Year!

Annas Nadelbuch said...

Happy New Year to You , dear Amalia !
Thank You for visiting my blog !

Anna said...

So cute !!!!!!
Happy 2016 !!!

Tante Kiki said...

Glad to find you!! Happy new year and my best wishes for 2016!!!
Your dolls are very cute!!!

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Adorable! Silly girls fighting over a boy who will soon be forgotten. :o)

Gracie Saylor said...

They are so sweet, I hope they choose to make up and both be friends with with the bear :) Thanks for posting Amalia. May 2016 be blessed for you and yours. xx

Mrs. W. said...

Hello Amalia,

Thank you for leaving me a sweet comment during my Christmas holiday break. I was delighted to see you there!

Your poem is, cute and those little toys are adorable!

Happy New Year!

VeggieMummy said...

Here's to mended friendships! I have so enjoyed your makes and poetry this year - I look forward to your posts in 2016. Happy New Year. xx

VeggieMummy said...

Here's to mended friendships! I have so enjoyed your makes and poetry this year - I look forward to your posts in 2016. Happy New Year. xx

Magia da Inês said...

Feliz 2016!!!
All good things to you!♩♫ه° ·.
❤ه° ·.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

These two cuties so remind me of the one I used to have.

So sorry I haven't been by Amalia. I am only now getting decent internet.

Hope you had a good holiday, and many good wishes coming your way for the new year!


Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

Scary film is most definitely better when shared with a friend!

Stephanie said...

You always make me smile, sweet friend :) I hope you are enjoying the New Year! Love and hugs

Unknown said...

These are so cute, they are just adorable-))) Happy new year dear and wishing you many creative ideas!



Beauty Follower said...


Happy New Year dear Amalia... wishing you all the best :)


Feral Turtle said...

Hahaha Those handsome Teddy Bears are always trouble! Those are just adorable! Happy New Year Amalia!!

Winkel's Crazy Ideas said...

Soo sweet! Happy New Year, from Pam in Norway xx

priya said...

so adorable... happy new year friend...

Stacey said...

You are so creative! I really admire that.

Enara Girl said...

They are super cute. I agree with Stacey you are so creative. Happy New Year!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Not to worry, they'll soon realise this teddy bear is not worth the ending of their friendship...
Those two girls are quite charming with their starry eyes and bows!

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very nice! happy new year! ☺

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very nice! happy new year! ☺

Art and Sand said...

How could 2 such cuties be unfriendly to one another.

Thanks for sharing at Share Your Cup!

Unknown said...

Hopefully those 2 will be friends again soon :)

Luciana F. Damiano said...

That beautiful handmade toys.
They need to go back to being friends.
Happy New Year!!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

So cute! My first smile of the morning seeing these :)

Ana Love Craft said...

So lovely!!! Beautiful blog, congrats!
Wishing you a year full of creativity and fun projects!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft

handmade by amalia said...

I see that I'm going to have to talk with them :-)

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Amalia, oh so cute. These just gave me a smile this morning. Lovely post as always. Hope the Teddy Bears behave! Happy New Year. xo

Debby Ray said...

Adorable poem... and these two better make up! :)

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hello Amalia and happy new year! They are so cute. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

sweetbriardreams said...

Happy New Year Amalia. I hope that these two are friends again. Friends are more important than teddy bears! xx

TexWisGirl said...

very cute. :)

A Joyful Cottage said...

Oh no! I do hope they make up! They're too cute not to remain besties. :(

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

They're just too cute to be fighting over a bear. Hope they find they're way back to each other.

Dewena said...

I don't know how you think up these things, Amalia! You just keep on topping yourself. And this one I can easily see made into a movie with the two stars above, which may or may not be a film for children. And pretty soon we'd be seeing these two setting records in the merchandizing market.

Why not pitch your idea? And I'll be able to say I knew you when!

Dewena said...

I don't know how you think up these things, Amalia! You just keep on topping yourself. And this one I can easily see made into a movie with the two stars above, which may or may not be a film for children. And pretty soon we'd be seeing these two setting records in the merchandizing market.

Why not pitch your idea? And I'll be able to say I knew you when!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I had a good chuckle out of that, at the expense of those two, I'm sorry to say! I hope that they make amends, because no teddy bear is worth losing a friend :)

EG CameraGirl said...

OH NO! How sad to learn of a fractured friendship!

Vee said...

Oh dear! And they look so friendly and sweet. I hope that this friendship can be saved. No bear is worth it!

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Your creations are so sweet Amalia, love these adorable cuties!

Red Rose Alley said...

Amalia, your posts make me smile every time. These are so cute, and you're right, it's nice to share time with a friend. That's why I love my blog friends so much.

Those birds of paradise are such unusual flowers, aren't they? You were one of the few who thought they were beautiful. I think they're different but pretty as well, and I used the pics for my post because they look like people's profiles hehehehe.

Have a lovely weekend.


Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Your posts are so cute. Hope they become friends again

Wonky Patchwork said...

Oh dear, I hope they've realised that no bear, however handsome, is worth falling out over. They both look so cheerful and sunny natured too, sad to think of them ever getting grumpy!

FlashinScissors said...

I hope these two friends will make up soon! They look so sweet! Well done lovely lady, and here's wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year, Amalia!
Hugs! Barbara xx

Jess said...


Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Ha ha too cute, looks like the little one with the bigger smile has won the heart of the Teddy Bear?!
Happy New Year to you all!
Wren x

The French Hutch said...

You have the sweetest/cutest blog on the planet! You made me smile on a Monday morning…..
Sure hope these two make up.

Diane said...

Will I hope your little friends make up soon.

Hugs Diane

Burlap Luxe said...

A little falling out to shake things up, but sure to make up soon :)

Always adorably creative here.
I am heading back to see what I have missed here.

Thank you dear for your beautiful visit.

Carmen Lúcia.Prazer de Escrever said...

Obrigada Amália pela visita e comentário.
Bjs e uma ótima semana.
Feliz 2016.
Carmen Lúcia.

Gloria Baker said...

What lovely look these Amalia !! Happy New Year!!!

Rosie said...

Ah, what a shame I hope the two friends don't let the handsome teddy bear come between them, although I must admit I do love a teddy bear handsome or not:)

white and vintage said...

Two funny dolls :)!
Nice Greetings,

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Aww so sad on the two adorable friends! I hope they make up soon!

Ann Thompson said...

They're so cute, too bad a teddy bear had to come between them :)

Our Hopeful Home said...

Oh my gosh these are absolutely adorable! You are so talented. Thanks for linking up with Vintage Charm, we hope to see you again this Thursday! xoKathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

handmade by amalia said...

I blame television :-)

handmade by amalia said...

And just like that I have an idea for another post :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Exactly! There are a lot of teddies out there, but precious few good friends.

handmade by amalia said...


handmade by amalia said...

What a wonderful idea, Dewena. Thank you so much for that and for your kind words. One of them has quite the sharp tongue so it may not be a film for children, but it could be fun. I promise not to forget you when I'm famous :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Looks can be deceiving. One of them has quite the sharp tongue :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Yes, the teddy has moved on to another doll and they are friends again.

handmade by amalia said...

We used to have quite a few birds of paradise in the house where I grew up. I think that for all their exotic beauty they are quite hardy and easy to grow. Hugs!

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, how very kind! Thank you. Yes, they have made up. The sun is shining today and we are all happy.

handmade by amalia said...

Me too! They have a cuddly charm.

handmade by amalia said...

I'm sure they will. The sun is shining and who can stay angry on a sunny day?

handmade by amalia said...

I think we've have to talk Brad Pitt-class of teddy, and even then...

handmade by amalia said...

The very best of wishes! Thank you, Yelena.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Amalia!
So lovely poem, I would like to see handsome teddy bear :)
Have a great weekend!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh so sad they had a falling out (I'd like to see that obviously handsome teddy bear too)! I really enjoyed visiting your blog for the first time and scrolled around a bit -- I am deeply ashamed to tell you that I did not know where Haifa is and had to go away and google it. So I learned something new today as well as getting to look at your beautiful pictures and enjoy your wonderful poems. Thanks for having me over :>)))

Poções de Arte said...

Mais um trabalho muito gracioso, executado a partir de desenhos infantis.
Amei o resultado e as suas palavras.
Abraços e ótimo dia.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that happens sometimes between friends:( Hope they make up or each find other friends! Sorry, for being slow with responding lately to your nice and kind comments! I think I caught a bug from one of the grand kids at Easter, and have been fighting to get my health back.Today I'm feeling better for the first time. So here I am, inviting you back to Seasons this week!
Changed the beginning date to Sunday instead of Monday to give the bloggers overseas a little more time - I gave the others an email, but all the Dutch people I couldn't find the email (wonder if the Dutch internet gives more security!)
Hope to see you at SEASONS before Wed. 7 pm, US Pacific time with one of your beautiful photos:) Have a beautiful week!