Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Week in Scotland



10 things I've learned during my Scotland holiday:

1. I've never met so many nice people in one place but they do have a fierce history, 
castles and fortresses and battlefields all over the place

2. You cannot have too much green!
The miles upon miles of open ranges were pure joy and full of sheep and cows.

3. You cannot have too much water, either!
The beauty of the Lochs is beyond words and you can see them by boat.

4. The loch monsters are very shy and did not come out for us.
The local peacocks, on the other hand, can be quite aggressive!

5. Scottish food is not bad, especially if you go for fish and chips,
but these people can bake! Cakes, scones, cupcakes, all so delicious.

6. On the other hand, Scone Palace, while being a grand mansion full of history,
does not serve scones! Something should be done. Really.

7.  And while on the subject of food, I did not see a single fried Mars bar!
Isn't that supposed to be the national desert? 

8. We stayed in a rural area, apparently fully inhabited by athletes.
We were constantly surrounded by cyclists, tennis courts, golf courses, etc.
I had to take a long walk each morning or they would have sent me packing.

9. Quiet is a blessed thing. From our beautiful house in the middle of nowhere to a 
castle packed with tourists, it all felt so calm and peaceful. 
Except for our day in Edinburgh, of course, but a big city doesn't count.

10. Coming from a hot, sunny country I adored the cool cloudy weather.
The people we spoke with were less impressed and hoped for a proper summer.
But the constant rain does reward them with the most beautiful gardens.


Things and Thoughts said...

There are really too many things to love about Scotland.I love this enchanting land too.Your photos are sublime!!!
Kind regards

mamasmercantile said...

I love Scotland too, particularly the Western Isles, my dream place to live. You captured some wonderful photos.

Maya Kuzman said...

Scotland has been on my wish list since uni! I quite enjoyed your pictures and the rain is indeed a blessing (as it can be a curse) for all those green fields and meadows!

The House with the Blue Door said...

What lovely photos - they really capture Scotland well. We've been to Edinburgh a few times, and I love the beautiful lochs and hills too. It looks like you packed a lot into your holiday - hope you had a good time :)
Cathy x

La Table De Nana said...

I love when you travel..and craft;)

Gloria Baker said...

Hi Amalia! I missed you! How lovely post and beautiful pictures,
What beautiful look Scotland!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What beautiful photos! It would be nice to make a book from your favorites. I love the list you made at the end, too. It's good to know they are friendly to travelers. Hugs, Diane

Kim said...

Fabulous and I agree, you can't have too much green!!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Beautiful, Amalia! Your photos are stunning. I hope to visit there some day! ♥

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks so much for posting these beautiful photos, Amalia! While I may never see these sights while here on earth, I can at least appreciate your view of them. I' m so glad you had a good holiday :) xx

Géraldine B. said...

Beautiful post and great photos ! your trip looks interesting and your holidays good ! Thanks for sharing !

Stins said...

So beautiful! We would love to visit Scotland one day... Must be amazing!
Love, Mirjam.

Judith said...

Thank you so much for these photos - just sitting at my desk I got a refreshing taste... all that green!!

Luciana F. Damiano said...

The place looks nice and very quiet now.
The photos are wonderful, thank you for sharing such beauty.

Wonky Patchwork said...

You've definitely caught a proper essence of Scotland with words and pictures, and how can Scone Palace not serve scones? You are right, that is truly shocking.

Dewena said...

Oh how I would love to see Scotland! Thank you for these truly amazing photos and the wide variety of them. I could move into that stone cottage with the hint of pink in it's stone work.

All of the 10 things you learned there sound enchanting to me. I think I would even have loved Edinburgh as I love the Alexander McCall Smith books that take place there.

Gumbo Lily said...

Oh my! All that green solitude! And you do happen to capture the best looking baked goods in all the world, don't you?

Anna said...

Beautiful pictures !!! Thanks for sharing !!!

susan said...

Oh, How I would love to go to Scotland - home of my ancestors. The photos were absolutely beautiful - I particularly loved the shot of the stone cottage covered with flowers. Just lovely.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I enjoyed every picture : it looks gorgeous there...even the sheep look clean and happy :)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I enjoyed every picture : it looks gorgeous there...even the sheep look clean and happy :)

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of your vacation with us. I really enjoyed looking at them and sounds like a wonderful place to visit! It sounds like you are having a nice summer. Take care.
Julie xo

Amy at love made my home said...

It looks and sounds as though you had a wonderful time!! How great. Thank you for taking us along and sharing! xx

stevevhan said...

AWWWWWW Amyyyyy! these are really cool photos! It gave me a chill going in scoty! I love the pic n the church, but i love more the peacock, never really seen one like that! :) YAY!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

What beautiful photos! I'm glad I can be your 'armchair' travel companion :)

Unknown said...

Love your photos! I've always wanted to go to Scotland because all those rolling green hills look so green…looks like you had an awesome holiday!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

A beautiful tour - thank you for taking us along! I really enjoyed the wonderful scenery!

Helen Philipps said...

A lovely tour, I enjoyed all your photos and reading your impressions of Scotland. Glad you had a good sounds very refreshing and interesting....fancy no scones at Scone though!!
Happy week.
Helen xox

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Your photos are so wonderful that I can imagine how much more spectacular everything looks in person. What a memorable trip for you!

Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Love your beautiful photos. I love visiting Europe but haven't been to Scotland.

Penny said...

Always so interesting to read about one's own country through the eyes of a visitor. I am glad you enjoyed your time in my home country!mx

DD's Cottage said...

Beautiful photos and I am glad you had a great time-when I went I loved it too and would love to go back!

Magia da Inês said...

Imagens belíssimas!!!

Boa semana!

Jo said...

FAB photos, I haven't been to Scotland for ages, it makes me want to go again. Jo x

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, I would love to visit Scottland one day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a beautiful tour of Scotland. It is a pretty country. Beautiful gardens and the critters are adorable. Lovely scenery, great series of photos. Have a happy day!

Little Wandering Wren said...

I'm just back from Scotland too and you're lucky I didn't see a single man in a kilt (disappointment or what!!!) I must go back for longer next time. It is a great place to visit and your photos are beautiful, loved your 10 things... spot on!
Wren x

Tricia Buice said...

I have always wanted to holiday in Scotland - and love each and every one of your photos. Great recap too! Thanks you so much!

Conniecrafter said...

Sounds like the most beautiful vacation time ever. Wonderful pictures you capture it all so well. Love the picture of all the birds lined up along the shore

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Wow, what gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous place! I want to live in those quaint old cottages, I would love a little cool weather now. Thank you so much for sharing ....loved it


Lowcarb team member said...

What a great selection of photo's ... thank you so much for sharing. It's a shame the loch monsters are shy !

Have a happy July

All the best Jan

EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds like a fantastic vacation! Wish I'd been there too!

Anonymous said...

A lovely set of pics! The peacock is so beuatiful! Thank you for getting back to me, so I could see your blog! That farmers market in Cannes was awesome too! I can see you're having a beautiful vacation, or should I say, holiday?

Borgmästaren said...

Jour pictures are realt beautiful. I especially like the little rainbow girl next to the bagpiper! I realt wanted to Go there after swing youtube pictures. I have bern there only once a long. time ago and far too short.

Ela said...

Hi Amalia !! What a lovely place to visit !! And your pictures are wonderful !!

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for taking us along. I love your top 10! So much fun!
And where are we off to next? :-))
Thank you, you are so fun.

thegrisgirl said...

so beautiful pictures <333
amazing :)

have an amazing day :)
keep in touch :)

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Great photos Amalia, Scotland is a very beautiful country!

Stacey said...

How beautiful! I love the shaggy cow. :)

I've never been out of the US, Amalia. Isn't that terrible? My dad has been to Scotland repeatedly because he just loves it. He travels over there by plane and then travels the country with a motorcycle group.

Vee said...

I wondered if there had been any sun...not much I take it. It all looks so beautiful and pastoral. I liked the green moss growing up the stone wall...such a lovely photo of the bridge, the boat, the water, and those mossy stones.

She loves to crochet said...

Hi Amalia, I am so glad you had such a good time visiting our country, the rain does make the gardens lush and the countryside look beautiful but a little more sunshine would be nice. I've never seen a fried Mars Bar either, for traditional dessert I think it has to be cranachan or clootie dumpling. Thank you for visiting my blog too. Hx

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Oh wow! Your pictures are gorgeous! Thanks for taking us along on the tour.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Such lovely photos! My parents lived in Scotland for a year and we were lucky enough to visit them during that time. Now I want to go back :)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Enjoyed seeing all the great pictures - thanks or sharing them with us. I enjoy seeing all the old architecture.

Red Rose Alley said...

Amalia, I really loved these pictures of Scotland. So much history in this beautiful place, and the old buildings were historic and wonderful. I don't know if I mentioned to you, but my kids are part Scottish on their father's side. I know they would love visiting Scotland one day. You know, I pass along your travel posts to the girls and the 10 bits of info. that you write about each place you visit, as the girls love to travel. They really enjoy these posts of yours and learn new things, even though they have visited some of the places themselves. They are actually taking a trip right now, which I will post about soon. My favorites on here were the old church, so beautiful, and the cupcakes, the Scottish man in uniform, and the glorious peacock. I have a thing for peacocks. love love love this post, thank you for sharing, Amalia.


Tante Mali said...

Amalia, those are fantastic pictures. Oh yes, Scotland is beautiful, the loch monsters where shy as I've been there :) Loved the rainbows but not the rain!
Happy days

Stephanie said...

Dearest Amalia, what a wonderful time you must have had in Scotland! Your pictures are stunning and make me want to visit soon :)

Happy hugs to you, my friend!

Lara B. said...

What a beautiful and perfect vacation! Amalia I love the sum up you did. Oh yes, Scone Castle should truly serve scones! I'm in love with those old stone walls and the photos of the countryside!

Burlap Luxe said...

Beautiful come to my mine here in your travels..... What a journey and how gracious Scotland sounds.

Thank you my dear for your charming comment at my blog.

Will enjoy getting to know you so much better, see you soon.


Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful place xx

Anonymous said...

Such amazing photos. I studied each one. Love the stones in the architecture, especially. Thank you for sharing part of your lovely trip with us.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Amalia, What a special post and tour. I feel like I was right there with you. You take amazing photos and what a beautiful place on earth to visit.
Thank you for sharing and also for stopping by and your kind comment.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Hugs, cm

Donna said...

Wow, what an amazing trip! I've never been to Scotland, but after seeing your wonderful pics, it makes me want to visit. Love all the green, the sweet lambs, and the stone cottages. Sounds like you had a blast!

Pura Vida said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and cute photos!!
And so great words.

Thank you for your sharing♡


Gillian said...

Looks like a great holiday. I love Scotland - can't wait to go back again.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Your photos are amazing Amalia!
I would love to visit Scotland too - even more so after reading your post.
Thank you for popping in to say hello!
Shane x

Poções de Arte said...

Nossa, apaixonei pelas fotos: o castelo, o farol, os animais e a casinha de pedras com suas flores... suspiros!
Abraços e ótimo dia.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Absolutely stunning!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!


driftwood said...

sounds like a truly wonderful week x

Anna said...

You truly have a good eye finding and photographing cakes... wish I was in your pictures! Anna x

Poppy said...


You always take us on such enchanting tours, and your trip to Scotland, with all its natural beauty, scrumptious sweets, and pretty dwellings, is no exception! Thank you for your very intriguing list, too; I found it very fun to read!

Happy weekend!


VeggieMummy said...

Your trip sounds wonderful. My eldest is on holiday in Scotland this week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good weather for her! Love the photo of your daughter - she looks like a beautiful rainbow. xx

ewa777 said...

Very beautiful pictures! Photograph taken in the church is especially interesting.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

What beautiful pictures you have on your blog. You must have been in heaven with such wonderful scenery.

Thimbleanna said...

OhMyGosh. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!! You've been to my favorite country in the world -- I LOVE it in Scotland! I'm going on my fourth visit later this year. Your photos are BEAUTIFUL!!!! It looks like you had a wonderful trip!

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you Olympia. I hope to go back SOON!

handmade by amalia said...

Apparently the grass IS greener :-)
For us, who don't get a lot of rain, it was wonderful.

handmade by amalia said...

I've not been to the Western Isles, now I HAVE to go back.

handmade by amalia said...

Unbelievably nice people!

handmade by amalia said...

I know! It's quite hot back at home and it makes me feel nice and fresh looking at all the green :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Did you mean the Isabel Dalhousie books? I've just picked my first one, looking forward to it.

handmade by amalia said...

Well, I try :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you Susan, one of my favorite as well

handmade by amalia said...

Glad you came along for the journey!

handmade by amalia said...

Between you and me, Helen, we made up for that in other places :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I did, Penny! I couldn't believe how nice everyone was.

handmade by amalia said...

I would love to go back :-) Thanks for visiting me, Joanna.

handmade by amalia said...

I have another photo that I've yet to post, four men in kilt all together. Feeling a bit guilty now :-)

handmade by amalia said...

What a nice comment, Tricia, thank you!

handmade by amalia said...

After I took the bird photo more and more of them came over. It got a bit Hitchcockian there for a while :-)

handmade by amalia said...

It was a bit disappointing not to see a monster, I must admit, but something would be lost if they showed themselves to every tourist, wouldn't it?

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for visiting me :-) Yes, I've been lucky this year with more than one wonderful vacation (or holiday).

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks Ela! Nice to see you here

handmade by amalia said...

That was the last vacation for a while, Carla. It is work work work until the end of the summer :-(

handmade by amalia said...

Your dad sounds like a wonderful adventurer! I live in a small country so I guess I'm more motivated to travel abroad. I think you can travel all your life in the US and not see everything.

handmade by amalia said...

It makes all the difference to have so much rain but I suppose, if you live there, there is such a thing as much too much

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, I missed the dumplings, now I have to go back :-)

handmade by amalia said...

What a wonderful comment Sheri! I had such a happy smile on my face by the time I finished reading it. I think I'll do another post on Scotland, I have so many more photos to show.

handmade by amalia said...

I just love this - Loved the rainbows but not the rain! - how beautiful, Elisabeth!!!

handmade by amalia said...

It is just an amazing place, Scone Castle, with its formal rooms and vast gardens (they even have a maze!) that I was willing to forgive. When we first saw it I was thinking that this was probably what Elizabeth thought when she first saw Pemberley :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I did! I'm going to show more photos of the stone cottages with their amazing gardens. I took so many :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you! The lighthouse is one of my favorites as well :-)

handmade by amalia said...

The weather was perfect for us as we like the cool and rainy. I think that it is warmer now. The little girl is not my daughter but her rainbow colors work perfectly in the photo.

handmade by amalia said...

Wow! Lucky you! I do hope to go back, I just fell in love with this beautiful place.

Rosie said...

I've enjoyed your post and the photographs are wonderful. Your 10 things about Scotland was lovely to read and so true - you have perfectly described everything:)

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Wow! What an amazing picture with incredibly beautiful pictures! The food sounds amazing, and all the green, and water... swoon! I've never been to Scotland, but you certainly have done the next best thing by showcasing some marvelous pictures of your trip there... almost feels as if I've been there!

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you Rosie, how nice!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

This was a treat to see your beautiful pictures! Now you've got me wanting to go to Scotland!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Such breathtaking photos. I love Scotland. Such a beautiful place. Your trip sounds lovely. Sigh...


Toni said...

Oh, it looks so lovely! Glad you had a great time!

Fiona said...

Stunning photos Amalia, you've captured Scotland beautifully. Where next you globetrotter?

handmade by amalia said...

Sadly, that was it for the summer. It is work work work for now :-(

Dewena said...

Yes, Amalia! I love the Isabel Dalhousie series. I think I have all but the last one. Must find it.