Saturday, July 11, 2015

Little Treasures

These crochet collars were made, I think, by my grandmother.
I found them among her things after she passed away.
I've never used them. I keep them safe in a cupboard 
and take them out once a year to wash and iron.

I have other unused treasure stashed with them -
embroidered tablecloths and handkerchiefs and such.
I sometimes question the sanity of that cupboard,
but who could bear to part with handmade treasures?


Maya Kuzman said...

Oh my Gosh!! They are stunning! Good that you have preserved them for treasures like these should be cherished!

Irene said...

Hello Amalia

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, Yes I do love being down by the sea it's my favourite place.

Your collars are beautiful and stunning, I'm so pleased you treasure them
and keep them safe.


Tanna said...

I love that you treasure these precious pieces! Makes my heart smile! blessings ~ tanna

La Table De Nana said...

I have had treasures for 42 yrs..and they were my mom's treasures before that.. and my dad's mom's treasures before that.
They have followed me everywhere..from silver to teacups to her wedding dishes,to embroidery and crochet and jewelry.
Very little is used.
But they are my past.And while I am here I am their caregiver.
Makes me feel a connection♥
Love the collars Amalia.

Kim said...

So sweet, Amalia. I have items like that, things I will never, ever use, but just cannot bear to part with. Some of them still have my mom's Chanel No. 5 scent about them. I love that .

Stins said...

Those are such precious items, i would cherish them too!
Love, Mirjam.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

These are so pretty and look so nice on the vintage hanger. It would be so nice if you could find a place in your home to display them. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

Amy at love made my home said...

I have some similar treasures tucked away so I understand! I think that it is wonderful that you keep them and that you have now shared them with us too!! xx

Gloria Baker said...

Absilutely beautiful Amalia!
A really treasure:)))

Lara B. said...

Very sweet treasures Amalia and it is wonderful that you take such good care of them. I have things like this stored away too from my grandmothers and mother. Your photography is so lovely!

Anna said...

They are beautiful! I am also lucky to have some lace my grandmother crocheted, together with some embroidered tablecloths, both hers and from fleemarkets as I find it hard to leave them behind. It is a lovely treassure to have and to keep. Anna x

Lorrie said...

Beautiful treasures that remind you of your grandmother and days gone by. They look sweet on those hangers. I have a length of knitted lace made by my husband's grandmother. It's lovely.

Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Love the treasures from your grandmother. I have a wonderful lace tablecloth and some vintage tablecloths from my grandmother that I treasure. Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Nancy Chan said...

These handmade crochet collars by your grandmother are priceless, such beautiful treasures!

Linda said...

I have begun giving away those "priceless" handmade treasures to my female relatives. For some strange reason, I don't think that my son or his future wife ( whoever that may be?) will appreciate or keep these keepsakes. Even I am not as enamored of my MIL's jewelry and treasures as her own daughter should be. But that is another story. Love the beautiful crocheted collars. And displaying them on an old wooden hanger is class! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

These are little treasures...and even more lovely displayed on the beautiful old hanger...

sweetbriardreams said...

Such beautiful treasures! I have lots of little nik naks in my wardrobe from my grandparents and love getting them out on occasion to smell and smile at them xx

Jane said...

These crocheted collars are so beautiful Amalia. Such treasures. I have a stash too. I sometimes feel it would be nice to have them out on display but haven't worked out a way of enjoying them without them getting spoilt by light and the dreaded dust. Family memories are special indeed, thank you for sharing yours with us x

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Of course you want to save these treasures! They are beautiful! ♥

Stephanie said...

What a sweet treasure to have these, Amalia. They are simply beautiful! Hugs to you!

blueshell said...

Wow...I admire you. I'll never be able to do such beautiful things.


mamasmercantile said...

They are stunning a real delight and family treasures.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh no you could never part with them Amalia, they are stunningly beautiful!!!

Anna said...

Delicate, gorgeous...
Have a lovely week !

magnoliasntea said...

What lovely reminders of your grandmother's crocheting. They are gorgeous. I like that you wash and iron them every year.
Have a wonderful week!

Conniecrafter said...

I was given one by my husbands grandmother, it is very pretty but I have never worn it, I love how you displayed this one, I should find a way to display mine instead of hiding it away in the closet :)

Little Wandering Wren said...

What a lovely gorgeous yearly ritual to wash and admire such treasures. Grinning like a Cheshire cat!
Wren x

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Wow how beautiful these are and you take such good care of them!

Celestina Marie said...

Oh I love the treasures from our grandmothers. The collars are gorgeous and true works of art. I have a couple too and love to display them. I could never part with these treasures either.
Have a blessed day! cm

DD's Cottage said...

Love the treasures from your grandmother-a work of art for sure!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a beautiful handmade collars. It is a treasure to keep and a nice memory of your grandmother. Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous and unique treasures. I'm happy you have a safe place to store them and get them out occasionally to enjoy.

Patti said...

My grandmother was so dear to me - still is, although she has been in Heaven for 30+ years. I think of her so often; especially her hands. Her fingers were long and thin - just opposite from mine, as I take after my father. She loved to sew and made me lovely things. I have lots of her sewing things. Your collars are lovely. I saw a pinterest pic where a collar was framed. It was pretty.

Diane said...

What a gorgeous handmade collar.

Hugs Diane

Jo said...

They are beautiful, I would say that if you are washing them anyway you should wear them aswell! I would wear the first one over a black jumper and tartan skirt. Jo x

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Crochet takes a lot of time and patience. These are beautiful and real treasures. Enjoy your day sweet friend and thanks for always inspiring me. Hugs, Diane

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

How precious, so beautiful, far too beautiful to be hidden away xx

Kay G. said...

Of course you must keep them!
We like to watch "Cash In the Attic" and I am surprised some of the things that people sell...really beautiful things that truly do not take up that much space and I always think, "can't you find a little space for something so beautiful?" I am happy that you do!!! xxx

Debby Ray said...

Amalia, these are absolutely beautiful keepsakes to be treasured and how blessed you are to be the caretaker of them! I know you must certainly cherish these and the memories they represent. Back in 80's (I think) these were very popular to wear. Maybe you should resurrect that fashion trend! Thank you for sharing them with us :)

The House with the Blue Door said...

These are real treasures, full of memories and so beautiful. They are definitely worth keeping - perhaps you could frame them?
Cathy x

stevevhan said...

Wish i could have them as a gift for my mom, those handmades are really from angels amalia! :)

Gracie Saylor said...

I'm glad you are enjoying the beautiful handwork, Amalia! I have some such things tucked away, but I decided to use the quilt my grandmother made. I waver back and forth on wether to use this sort of treasure or not, but whether I do or not I value their beauty! Thanks for letting us enjoy your treasure, too! xx

Vee said...

Such treasures! I hope that you might wear them sometimes. They'd be lovely with so many things. Thank you for showing us.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh no you could never part with them, they are gorgeous heirlooms. I have seen beautiful crochet and lace collars framed, maybe for a bedroom. If nothing else, I am sure you get great joy when you tend to them every year.


Preeti said...

Beautiful collars !!:)

FlashinScissors said...

Hello Amalia,

How beautiful these collars are. I am surprised they were never worn, but then they wouldn't be here now for you to treasure. They are lovely! A glass display case would be ideal wouldn't it? Barbara xx

Luciana F. Damiano said...

They are treasures same, and beautiful collars!
I think you should use them ...

kathyj333 said...

Beautiful workmanship. My Mom crocheted really intricate pieces like that. Beautiful. I love seeing works of art from days gone by.

Red Rose Alley said...

Amalia, the crocheted collars are treasures, indeed. I have a couple of crocheted doilies that my grandmother made, and I can't part with them either. These are so pretty, I can see why you want to keep them forever.

Have a lovely week.


Lowcarb team member said...

I can fully appreciate keeping such wonderful treasures. We each have our own - I know I do !

Have a lovely week.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

I can fully appreciate keeping such wonderful treasures. We each have our own - I know I do !

Have a lovely week.

All the best Jan

Tricia Buice said...

ow sweet - I have a few pieces made by my mother-in-law - the method was tatting. Very intricate and beautiful.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

How very pretty and such wonderful keepsakes! xo Karen

Daniela said...

I love this ancient works of art, truly treasures of the past and of your family, thank you so much for sharing !
Have a blessed day

EG CameraGirl said...

I can see why you keep them! I bet your grandmother would be pleased to know how much you treasure them. ;)

Carla from The River said...

I would keep them too. So very special.
My grandma passed away last winter. I have some treasures from her too.
xx oo

Gumbo Lily said...

The collars are so pretty. Do you ever consider wearing them? I think I would if I had the right thing to wear them over. What treasures. I like the hangers too!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I agree with you. You cannot get rid of handmade things, especially by your grandmother! The collars are so pretty too. I have a lot of things of my grandmothers and some are downright ugly, but I am keeping them!

Magia da Inês said...

São preciosos! Lindas lembranças!
Bom início de semana!
¸⋰˚✿ه° ·.

Sam - Raggedy Bits said...

Just stunning and precious treasures!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Those are so precious items!
So lovely♡


Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Such a lovely item and it's linked to memories!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I wish I had something hand made by either of my grandmothers :( I do have some things that my mother made years ago, so they will be passed on to my daughters eventually. What beautiful collars, Amalia. I think you should wear them!

Parlor Room Ponderings said...

I love those! I have a coupe myself. They are not handmade. I bought them when they were popular in the 80's. I've been thinking about putting them in a picture frame or a cute hanger so I can see it all the time. Visiting from Roses of Inspiration.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Precious treasures indeed... and no, you are not wasting space in the cupboard! Treasures like that are exactly that, meant to be treasured! :)

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

These are absolutely stunning and how wonderful that you have them as a remembrance of your grandmother....
Thanks so much for stopping by!!


ewa777 said...

This collar is beautiful and very nicely presented on old hanger. It is a wonderful family heirloom:)

handmade by amalia said...

When you think of it, Maya, this post is really a tribute to you :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for stopping by, Irene.

handmade by amalia said...

This is a nice word, caregiver, gives meaning to a mountain of ironing and washing :-)
I do know what you mean about the connection.

handmade by amalia said...

I have some tablecloths embroidered by my grandmother's mother. They are in poor condition but beautifully made.

handmade by amalia said...

It is, indeed, a matter of taste. When my grandmothers passed away my sisters had no interest in any of their handmades, perhaps because they are not crafters themselves.

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for visiting me.

handmade by amalia said...

Wimbledon is a great time for such a project - you turn on the AC, put on some tennis and iron your little heart out :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I love this image- your grandmother's pretty hands busy making things pretty.

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for stopping by, Diane.

handmade by amalia said...

I can picture that, Jo, you look lovely!

handmade by amalia said...

How sweet, Diane, thanks :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I suppose you have to love these things to be bothered. Thank goodness we con't all like everything, the house would burst :-)

handmade by amalia said...

For a long time I was wary of using what I considered to be treasures but then I thought to myself: how bored these things must be tucked away year round. Who would want to spend their whole time in a cupboard?

handmade by amalia said...

This is a great idea, Barbara, and no dust! Nice of you to visit.

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for the visit, Kathy.

handmade by amalia said...

It's true, treasured objects do make us feel closer to our past and our memories.

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks, Sam. Well worth the effort then :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I don't think I could wear them but I am looking for a place to hang them. Thanks for making the trip :-)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oooooo...aren't these lovely. What pretty keepsakes. I'm so glad you brought them out and shared with us. I love the feeling of bygone elegance and grace these lace collars give.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

How lovely!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

How lovely!

Ela said...

Such beautiful treasures !! I love it !!

Unknown said...

I just love it! Beautiful :)

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Wow! Beautiful! I would not part with them either. Such beautiful treasures!
Shared on google +

Kathy said...

Absolutely charming! I am delighted to share that your post will be featured in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

Toni said...

Oh, those are lovely!

She loves to crochet said...

Those collars are beautiful, made so long ago yet timeless and could be used today. I can see why you couldn't part with them, they are a lovely heirloom linking you to your grandmother, thanks for sharing them. Hx

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, Kathy, how kind! And what a treat for me :-)

handmade by amalia said...

An heirloom does sound them make grand! I like that.

Dewena said...

I would wear them if I were you. These are prettier than any "statement" necklace I've ever seen. They are indeed treasures.

Wonky Patchwork said...

Definitely treasures not to be parted with, but I think they need to come out of the cupboard a couple of times a year at least to be worn!

Suzan said...

What wonderful treasures you have!!
Too bad there isn't something that you can wear them with???
Maybe frame them in a glass case so you can admire them?? With a photo of your grandmother in the case??

Suzan said...

What wonderful treasures you have!!
Too bad there isn't something that you can wear them with???
Maybe frame them in a glass case so you can admire them?? With a photo of your grandmother in the case??