Monday, September 16, 2024

Round Like a Ball

I remember
when I was small,
I thought it so nice
to be a ball.

All you do is
play the whole day,
and if you're not happy
you just roll away.

Featured: I made this board game
for my soccer-obssessed nephew.
And yes, the cards all rhyme.


Patricia said...

Hello Amalia, how nice to see your post. The game is so clever, and the poem a delight. I hope you are well. xx

eileeninmd said...

What a fun game! Cute poem! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

Kim said...

Well that is the sweetest. Plus..."and the cards are rhyme"...of course they do! Hoping you are well. xo

Lorrie said...

It's so lovely to see a post from you, Amalia. I've been thinking about you. The game looks like a lot of fun for your nephews. You are so clever and creative!

Ann said...

That is so cool that you made him a game. Totally fun and cool

VeggieMummy said...

What a lucky nephew to have such a talented and dedicated aunt. Hope you are well. xx

Louca por porcelana said...

Hi my dear friend! So cute! Best wishes.

Becki said...

A handmade game filled with rhymes! You have to be the world's best aunt, Amalia.

baili said...

wonderful board game for your nephew dear Amalia :)
sweet poem

56steps said...

You are so clever with the things you come up with for the children in your family. I was so glad to see this post from you. Haven't seen you on Instagram for a while.
Take care

Lowcarb team member said...

Nice to see this post ... and what a clever and creative idea.

All the best Jan

Red Rose Alley said...

How delightful. I bet your nephew loves the game. You're so creative, Amalia. My granddaughters are both playing soccer this season. Fun times.


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

The board looks wonderful and your poems so sweet. I wish I had some of this talent. We have a. holiday dinner and I want to make a game for the ceremonial foods for the kids. I don't think it will come out as good as yours though..