Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Best Time of the Year

 Autumn was thinking
he might launch a protest -
there are four seasons out there
and his is the shortest.

I told him: "why worry,
when it is perfectly clear -
you are always our favorite
time of the year."

Featured: The joys
of an autumn garden.


Crafty in the Med said...

Such a sweet verse!! Brilliant photographs!! Those reds don't they just jump out at you....so pretty!! keep well Amanda x

linda said...


Patricia said...

Autumn, always the best season. Love your photos Amalia. xx

Sandy said...

Many things are still holding on here too. I have to go take care of lemons today. They are all coming ready at the same time. Always love your verses. That is such a gift.

Maya Kuzman said...

Lovely photos Amalia! Autumn dresses itself in so many gorgeous colors!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a pretty poem and beautiful photos! It's lovely here at this time of year too! Enjoy your week!

La Table De Nana said...

♥And your header:)

Ellie Foster said...

Autumn has a lot to enjoy and these photos show the colours beautifully.
Best wishes

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

I do love autumn....except for the fact that it has to end. And then it gets COLD. What beautiful clicks from your garden!

VeggieMummy said...

Beautiful photos and a lovely poem. Autumn is my favourite time of year too, although the constant rain today has tried my patience somewhat! xx

Vee said...

So true! Autumn is the shortest season and the best. All this lovely produce...I wish that anything was growing now in my corner.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I enjoyed looking at the photos. Fall is one of the nicest times of the year.

Snowbird said...

What a beautiful set of photos, I did enjoy each one. I loved your poem. Just perfect.xxx

Lorrie said...

Autumn is a wonderful season and it looks even better through your photos. Your garden produce is coming along so well.

Kim said...

Oh your pictures always capture the beauty of your surroundings so perfectly. It's like we're in the garden with you! xo

Louca por porcelana said...

So beautiful! Hugs!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful Autumn poem, I love all the lovely images.
Take care, have a happy day!

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I love the beautiful captures you have gotten and that sweet poem! I can smell the rosemary I do believe!!!!! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

The French Hutch said...

Such wonderful photo from you Autumn garden! and Joy certainly comes to mind We have a small garden and it is joyful to watch it grow. A darling verse to go with your garden..........Happy blessed Autumn!

Kitchen Riffs said...

Autumn is definitely my favorite time of the year! Love it, although it always seems so short. Nice photos, BTW.

Conniecrafter said...

so wonderful to see our gardens alive with growing goodies, Enjoyed your pictures!

Kim said...

It's wonderful to see you out and about again, capturing your autumnal world, Amalia. You always capture your beautiful photos with the sweetest, lyrical words.

Jeanie said...

I love each and every photo, Amalia! I'd love to reach through the screen and pluck each one! Autumn is indeed glorious.

Dewena said...

I love him best too! I wish your little poem to autumn was where I could pin it on Pinterest! For some reason, all the little lines about autumn I've found on Pinterest and friends' blogs have meant so much to me. Some, like yours, I want to hug to my heart.

Ageeth Mooij said...


Rhodesia said...

Great set of photos. I love autumn I just hate what follows! Keep safe Diane

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Your photos and words are always inspiring. Thank you.

Carla from The River said...

True, it is the shortest. It is my husbands favorite.

Junkchiccottage said...

So sweet. Our fall here in the midwest is very short. Trying to enjoy the pretty leaves on the trees before the white stuff hits. Happy Thursday. Have a wonderful week. xoxo Kris

Lowcarb team member said...

Autumn is a wonderful season.

A lovely post both your photographs and words.

All the best Jan

Blondie's Journal said...

Your photos: Delicate. Your poem: Pure sweetness.

Happy Autumn, my frond!

Jane 🍁

Handmade in Israel said...

It is so lovely to see everything turning green again, after the brown-ness of the summer. Our garden is looking much happier!

Jo said...

All the perfect words to sum up my feelings about Autumn too! Jo xx

MaryAnne said...

Gorgeous photos! This is my favorite time of year.

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

ha, love your poem and your photos are so lovely, there is no need for words!

Susan said...

Sweet, as always! And so true. :)

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Everything looking very nice! Thanks for sharing! 🍂🌾🍁

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Love your garden views! I agree, Autumn is far too short. Most of our beautifully colored leaves have already fallen. :(

Gloria Baker said...

Dear Amalia, AUtumn is so far my favorite season of the year and love winter too!
I dont like hot time!
so beautiful pictures, hugs to you!

Becki said...

It is wonderful to see beautiful pictures of fruits and vegetables growing as people here are putting their gardens to bed (so to speak). Autumn is my favorite time of year, too.

Kay G. said...

So beautiful! Autumn is my favorite but shh...don't tell Spring!
Take care! x

EricaSta said...

I agree, fall is indeed a lovely season. The days with some fog, candles and hot tea. To walk through the leaves on the way - like a children, long time ago...

...I wish you a very good week.

Cheers, Heidrun

baili said...

Oh these images made my day dear Amalia :)

such a lovely ,vibrant ,gorgeous and delightful captures :)

loved the conversation between you and autumn as well ,oh i love autumn so much ,it is time when earth wear it's most delightful outfit :)
blessing !

Little Wandering Wren said...

I do like this time of year as well - it feels weird though not seeing autumn this year. Your photos are wonderful again Amalia.
Wren x

Polly said...

Gorgeous photos Amalia, and a darling poem x

Ela said...

Beautiful photos !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing those beautiful autumn pictures, Amalia!!
I love autumn, so I have to tell him soon!!!



No falta de nada en ese jardín, desde unas ricas frutas a unas maravillosas flores.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

All of the fruit looks delicious. Autumn is the time of bountiful harvests.

Sherry's Pickings said...

all that wonderful produce! summer has hit here. it's going to be 34C on wednesday. Air con is on!