Friday, August 14, 2020

A Nice Day Out

Summer was not working,
he was sitting in the shade
and mumbling to himself:
"I quit, don't need to get paid.

I thought I got the good season,
the one with games and fun,
nobody thought to mention
I'd be getting sun and more sun.

Having a sunny disposition
is harder than I thought
when I'm always getting burnt
and I'm always always hot!"

Featured: We had a nice day out
in the hot sun and were
very happy about it.


Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I enjoyed looking at those beautiful photos and glad you had a fun day out. Enjoy the weekend.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Loved your day out photos. You always give us such interesting glimpses of your corner of the world. Summer was in the shade a lot here, too, this season. We've coaxed him out here and there between rain clouds. Regardless of the weather, it's been good.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Brenda xo

Vee said...

Might as well enjoy whatever the weather looks like a marvelously hot day. The picnic looks yummy.

Gloria Baker said...

Looks so beautiful Amalia, hope you are doing well hugs!!

VeggieMummy said...

Wonderful photos and yummy looking food. Thankfully, it's a bit cooler here today! xx

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased you had a good day out and shared your lovely photographs.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

we are hot here in US too and longing for Fall. Your photos are lovely as usual. Thank you.

Kim said...

It looks like a lovely place to be out and about...even if it was hot!! Hoping you're well and things are easing up a bit in your neck of the woods. xo

Kim said...

Oh, to sit in the hot summer sun and laze the day away, does sound paradisiacal. Summer in your part of the world does look glorious, Amalia.

Junkchiccottage said...

Beautiful photos. Have a great weekend.

Maya Kuzman said...

A beautiful day for making memories! Enjoy the rest of the summer Amalia!

Sherry's Pickings said...

funny to read about all the sun when it is winter here. but we are in Queensland where it is sunny most of the time...

Little Wandering Wren said...

Lovely to see your nice day out - despite the heat. It's rather wet with us, which makes it cooler!

Sandy said...

Beautiful photographs. August and September are firecracker hot months here, and for some reason I am enjoying and hanging on to them this year.

Jeanie said...

These photos are beautiful, Amalia. Oh, isn't it nice to get out? And when you see places like this -- it's so worth it!

Conniecrafter said...

It looks like a fabulous day out full of countryside and town. Love the building with all the plants outside and on the window sill!
We have had some really HOT days but thankfully here and there we have had more mild days to enjoy!

Meredith said...

Summer is not working here, or maybe working too hard. We need a break from the heat. Stay safe.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Glad to see your summer days out. Hope you are staying safe. xo

maryanne @ mama smilesq said...

What a delightful poem! School starts on Monday here and I am not ready for summer to end.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Glad you had a day out, Amalia. It may have been a hot day, but there was a lot of green to enjoy. I'm particularly taken with the photograph of the home with the potted plants outside. If I'm not mistaken, one of them is a palm. Intriguing to think of growing a palm tree in a pot. :) Thanks for sharing your lovely photos and creative poem. Hugs.

Louca por porcelana said...

How lovely!I enjoyed your pretty photos and sweet poem.Hugs.

Susan said...

Haha, Amalia-- so clever! Lovely pictures of goodness and beauty. I'm glad you had a nice day out.

Patricia said...

Hi Amalia, What a lovely selection of hot Summer pictures. So many bright flowers, and cooling water bubbling over stones. I love the tower, right out of a fairytale. Your Summer poem is just right. xx

Rhodesia said...

Lovely set of photos and a great verse. Have a good week and keep safe. Diane

The French Hutch said...

Sorry, I'm late, I'm late! Love the many pretty views on your outing. Your summer poem is right on. It's hot, hot, hot here! Have a wonderful week........

Creations By Cindy said...

What beautiful pictures to look upon this afternoon as I enjoy a cup of tea. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Carla from The River said...

Always love your posts my friend. I am happy you had a wee little outing.

Red Rose Alley said...

Amalia, I always love your photos filled with beauty and wonder. The cactus with the red berries is pretty, and the first photo with the red fruit is my favorite. Glad you had a nice day out. It's been hot here too, and have the ac on most of the day. By the way, I love the pop-up comments you have now. They're so much easier to comment, and most of my blog friends have them. : )


Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures and fantastic poem, Amalia!!
Oh no, I have never thought what summer think about himself.
He is super great!! I would love to help from global warming.


Handmade in Israel said...

A delightful poem. I am trying... and failing... to work out where you went for your nice day out...

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Everything looks lovely and I enjoyed coming along with you to see the country-side! Amazing to see the pomegranate (?) tree! Fun poem to describe this time of year. I find myself looking forward to autumn....Take good care xo Karen

Snowbird said...

That does look like a lovely day out! I've decided you can have too much sun. Loved the

Polly said...

What a lovely day out and lovely photos.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely day out! Thank you for sharing these pretty scenes and I enjoyed your words also :)

Dennis Yannakos said...

Spetacular natural beauty!

Evi Erlinda said...

Beautiful photos and the poem as well!

Dewena said...

Poor Summer, I feel for him. Not a hot weather person myself but I know it's good to be outside and not hide inside in AC all the time. You have such intriguing scenery to photograph. Now I'm wondering what food was in those two big silver pots? Food, I'm always thinking about it, I guess.

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Love your words and your photos!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Amalia,

What a beautiful day out! Pretty scenes and photos! I like the cute poem too. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

You've given me the yen to travel again with your lovely photos. Hope you're enjoying the tail end of summer!!

Diane said...

Greetings Amalia, what gorgeous pictures.

Hugs Diane

R's Rue said...


Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

What a beautiful day to explore! I'd much rather be out in the heat than freezing on a chilly day :)

Nancy Chan said...

I enjoy tagging along with you on your day out. I like the pomegranates on the tree. Nice poem. Have a great day.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful pictures and love the poem! We had our hottest July in record and are close to having our hottest Summer in record too! I am not a lover of heat!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Looks like a wonderful day out. I find I have to get out now and then for peace of mind. Take care.

Tamar SB said...

Looks like a super day out!

Diana Studer said...

An interesting tower. It looks ? Turkish?

You asked about Cape Town and lockdown. We have moved from level 3 to 2. Cigarettes and alcohol are again for sale - neither for me, thanks. Happy that the restrictions on seeing family are easing. We have had a first restaurant meal.

Joanne said...

What pretty photos!

Pam Richardson said...

Lovely photos and poem! I am glad you enjoyed a day out, Amalia!

Luiz Gomes said...

Good night, how are you? I'm from Rio and looking for new followers for my blog. And I will follow yours with pleasure. New friends are also welcome, no matter the distance.

Ann said...

It looks and sounds perfect to me. Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like you had a wonderful summer excursion with lots of pictures to share with us, so that we could all join you on your walk.

NCSue said...

What an interesting stroll you had!
Thanks for sharing with us at

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A very nice day to be out, and some beautiful photos. I found myself wondering where they were taken.

Tom said...

...pomegranates are something that I will only find in the grocery store.

Pam said...

Nice pics. THanks for stopping by the blog. I understand about the getting around, reading and commenting.

Angie said...

Amalia - thanks for your recent visit to my blog. I am not sure how much ground you covered with your day out, but it seems like a lot given the variety of the photos! Beautiful photos and poem!

riitta k said...

A lovcely set of photos, so much ripening. I loved the best the one where bougainvillea is in full bloom <3 Thank ypou for linking, sending warm greetings, riitta

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

wonderful collection of memories


Preciosas imágenes... el verano nos invita a pasar más tiempo fuera, cerca de la naturaleza.

BESOS... Gracias por tu visita!

betty-NZ said...

Any time you get a bit of time outside is great. Love your photos.

It's great to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for being here. A link back would be great :)

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh, girlfriend, it's such a delight to see your beautiful country! You have fields, steams, palms, pretty colors...I'd love to visit. No travels for awhile, that's for sure. Very sweet poem, it's been a hot few weeks here in Chicago as well. Now a reprieve in the 80's.

Enjoy the rest of summer and thank you for your visit!❤️

Jane x

Arun Goyal said...

Drool worthy Pomegranates.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening where you can post about plants and flowers here at

Becki said...

Boy, do I know a thing or two about always being hot! It is hard to always keep a sunny disposition. I love all the photos. So different from where I live. :)

baili said...

lovely day out dear friend

from your images i got idea that may be you live in Italy or somewhere similar part of land
glad you had great time
spectacular photos

J C said...

I especially love the rocky creek photo. And your poem..imagine if summer could talk. She would say exactly that.

Arun Goyal said...

Thanks for linking up with Garden Affair.

Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hay Season! I've already bought hay for winter, it's in the barn and on the trailer. I'll probably have hay to spare as I'm down to 2 horses. Those huge bales I've only bought once...too much for me to handle so I've gone back to smallish square bales.