Saturday, March 24, 2018

Brown and Broken No More

I was walking down the street
when I happened to meet
a sad looking chair
that gave me a stare.

It was getting dark
and the weather was bad,
I couldn't just leave him
looking so sad.

The chair was broken
and brown, it is true,
but I had paint
and a hammer and glue.

I told him of all
the places we'd go
once he was fixed
and got back his glow.

I promised to
fold him into the car
and take him advneturing
near and far.

The chair liked my plan
and wanted out of the weather,
so I picked him up
and we went home together.

Featured: Two coats of paint
and an embroidered seat
gave my poor chair
a new lease on life.


Crafts 'n' Skills said...

Love the beautiful words! And ofcourse your amazing artwork. You made it shine again!

Rosie said...

How wonderful! Your broken brown chair now looks fabulous:)

Maya Kuzman said...

I always opt in for preserving old furniture and it's great that you gave this fellow a second chance in life :)
Love your embroidery seat - it looks fantastic!

Ela said...

Beautiful poem ! Your broken chair now looks great!
Happy weekend !

baili said...

Marvelous expressions dear amalia!!!

your heat is so gentle and soul is so kind and creative as you mend the old torn chair so elegantly .
such priceless job is done only by a sweet humble artistic heart!

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful chair and poem!Happy weekend!

Patricia said...

A lovely poem, celebrating your beautiful restored chair Amalia. The paint is a perfect shade of pink, just right.

Ann said...

Your poem is adorable and the chair look fantastic. I love the embroidered seat.

NADINE said...

LOVE it ! Such marvels we can do with good will, good taste and inspiration ! BRAVO !

In stitches,

Polly said...

Your rescued chair is absolutely lovely Amalia. I love the gentle shade of pink paint and the seat cover x

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your poem and chair are both beautiful. You are handy to fix a broken chair into something so pretty.
Enjoy your day and weekend!

Lowcarb team member said...

It looks a pretty chair, love how you've rescued it.
Always nice to read your poems.

My good wishes

All the best Jan

La Table De Nana said...

It's so cute and so you.
Love it..I too enjoy breathing life into things and making them feel wanted and loved again.:)

Tanna said...

Just one more example of how you always leave the world a better place!!! LOVE it! Love you for always being a blessing! xoxo ~ tanna

Srividya said...

Lovely work and written so well. I used to write limericks once upon a time...left it somewhere along the way. :)

Tania Pelletier said...

I love your new pink chair and that seat is fantastic!


Rhodesia said...

Fantastic job well done and what beautiful words. Great post. Enjoy the day Diane

Ageeth Mooij said...

That’s how you make a house a home, love your chair!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a lucky chair
To find you there
Ready to take him in hand
Painting him till he's no longer bland

Haak en Pen said...

Lovely chair you made !!

ELENA said...

The chair was lucky to be found and transformed by a talented fairy

Gumbo Lily said...

The ballet pink is beautiful and the embroidery is genius. I like how one part has turquoise floss. And of course, I like the story/poem that goes with it. So it's a folding chair that can travel? That's so neat!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Oh Amalia! You transformed this sweet little chair...I love it!

Kim said...

Oh how pretty you little chair looks, Amalia. The paint colour is dreamy and the transformation of the seat with your exquisite embroidery is magical. Drab brown really should not be seen, should it.....well at least, not in little chairs. Sweet, sweet little chair and even sweeter little poem.

Linda Nelson said...

Beautiful chair and beautiful poem.

MaryAnne said...

I love this new life you've given this chair! Delightful poem, too, as ever.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!!! You've chosen the right paint and I'm found of the seating!

Anonymous said...

Sister mine:) The chair looks gorgeous and the poem's lovely XXX Avital

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Wonderful! My husband often finds things when he is out and brings them home to me. I have a small table and chair on my balcony that I've yet to revamp. He also brought home a large basket that now sits in my bedroom holding yarn. And there's been many more things. :) It's amazing the things people throw out.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Darling transformation, Amalia. Your poems always make me smile. Thank you! xo ♥

Jo said...

A wonderful chair and a story of words. Jo x

Jeanie said...

Beautiful color and I love the things sitting on the chair, too! You have such a wonderful way with words!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Fantastic! It must have been somewhat hypnotizing, stitching that cushion, but it pairs perfectly with your radiant chair.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Rescuing old furniture is so fun and to see the transformation is magic! Love the color you chose.

Carla from The River said...

I like the color you chose. I have a chair that my parents got for a $1.00 .. it is waiting for me to give it a new color and seat too.

Mia said...

Beautiful chair, Amalia. I love the great transformation! And the poem is great! Kisses, my friend.

Conniecrafter said...

It looks wonderful, you did a beautiful job on the seat, the embroidery looks great and love the paint color, how lucky that chair was that you went for a walk :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Pretty in Pink!! You did a wonderful job. Lucky chair, talented you!!

Annas Nadelbuch said...

Beautiful is the chair in the new outfit. What a beautiful embroidery adorns this charming chair .Of course I am very pleased about your enchanting poem ! Happy Easter to you .

Joan said...

NIce as allways ,but love special what you do with the chair,greetings,Joan

Luciana F. Damiano said...

Your chair is beautiful, I love the color and also the crochet. Congratulations

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

Love your newly dressed little chair, it is adorable.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The beautiful handmade seat made all the difference! How beautiful!

September Violets said...

A rescued chair ... for your lair.
You have given me an idea for a rocker I have that has no seat! I think an embroidered cushion would look quite neat! Making the rocker quite complete. Sweet ;)
Love what you did with your chair, and when I looked closely I could see its tiny smile of contentment.
Have a great week Amalia!
Wendy x

Tricia Buice said...

Amazing job on the chair and the poem. You never know what tomorrow will bring so never give up hope. You are a blessing Amalia!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

You've turned the chair into a work of art, Amalia! Loved your poem, as always ♥

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for the laugh, Wendy. I love the rhymes.

handmade by amalia said...

Mine has waited for a few weeks as well, if I'm honest :-)

handmade by amalia said...

It was indeed an easy stitch and complete done while watching The Crown on TV :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for the smile, dear Brenda.

Kitchen Riffs said...

Sweet chair! And such a nice poem. Thanks!

Kim said...

Well aren't you crafty! It's fabulous and functional. Love the colors and that seat.

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

Absolutely lovely! Love the pom pom balls too!

EricaSta said...

You are very crafty... And I love the poem!
Wish you a fine Easter time.

roughterrain crane said...

The chair has started enjoying the new world with you.
Happy Easter!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful poem!

FlashinScissors said...

Beautiful poem, Amalia!
I love to read all the comments you receive, and especially the replies that rhyme, so sweet!
Your redecorated chair looks wonderful, and especially the stitched seat cover!
Wishing you a Happy Easter!
Barbara xx

Sandi said...


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

What a sweet poem. Very pretty shade of pink and that seat is just amazing!! What a wonderful transformation.

Jodiebodie said...

That is a fabulous makeover for an old chair - one would never know 'he' had been broken and abandoned once upon a time. As usual, your verse to tell the story is delightful.

I came to your page today in relation to a rebirth of a different sort - to wish you HAPPY EASTER!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Happy days indeed. That is a great project your chair looks wonderful. love the transformation. You are clever!
Wren x


Que idéia linda!! ficou perfeita:) Cor adorável.

Our Hopeful Home said...

Love, love, love that paint color! And the embroidered seat is fabulous! You're a miracle worker, and a great poet, too:) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen

Helen Philipps said...

Wonderful make over! Love the colour and embroidered seat cover....and love your poem about it too! You are so creative Amalia xox

Stephanie said...

What a darling little poem, my friend, and oh, what a sweet chair! I just love the seat cover.

Hugs to you, Amalia!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Loved the poem and the chair! Love the color and would you share?

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Love this chair, I too would love to know the shade you used too!
Darling poem:)

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

It’s a work of art! Such a pretty chair!!!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Fantastic post!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!

Diane said...

What a wonderful chair and lovely poem Amalia.

Hugs Diane

handmade by amalia said...

I used the Rainbow Spray Paint in Blush Pink. It took two coats to properly cover the chair.

Diana Studer said...

Such a mellow soft pink, with the bright blue to spark some fun.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

It was that chair's lucky day when you found it! i'm sure it's happy in it's new home, and fresh coat of paint! Thanks for sharing at Best of the Weekend!

The French Hutch said...

I love your sweet poem dear friend. I’m sure the chair will thank you for years to come by giving you and your family and friends a comfy and pretty place to sit. I love your creative chair face lift. Happy weekend........

Tom said...

...a lovely restoration and a wonderful poem!

Jean | said...

Amalia, love the poem AND the transformation - beautiful!

Joan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aritha V. said...

Zucht, hoe mooi is je gedicht.

Jeanna said...

I love this color! You are incredibly handy and a sweet poem to boot. What a happy chair you've created and rescued.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Great work and a lovely post :)
Have a nice weekend, take care...

Harlynn said...

You just created an astonishing upcycle (?) Creation, then wrote a poem about it.
Not like just some birthday card "skim half it" poem. An actual cute, touching and relevant poem.
You are so adorable!!!! You did amazing dude!!

Pam Richardson said...

Amalia, how fortunate for you and the chair. It turned out lovely!

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks Barbara! I love reading the comments myself, people are amazingly generous.

krishna said...

This is just incredible! the total event you have written in a beautiful poem.. just lovely..

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Sweet chair, looks happy in its new wear. I like the color and its new seat.

Angie said...

Fabulous! I wish I had the creativity to see your chair when encountering a brown and broken one ...

linda said...

Lovely poem and you've done a fabulous job on the chair it looks very happy now have a great Sunday. :) x

Gloria Baker said...

what lovely chair Amalia ! I love it!!!

Doreen said...

This chair reminds me so much of one I redid a few years ago. Very pretty Amalia!


Red Rose Alley said...

You did a nice job on the chair - it looks fantastic! What a cute poem to go with your pictures, Amalia.


Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

I have a chair that needs some TLC, but sadly more than paint and glue. Love your peoms Amalia :)

Villrose said...

A poetic chair.

Anonymous said...

What a delightful work you have done with this chair, Amalia! Are your other chairs pink too? Hope you had a beautiful time with Pesach/Easter (don't know which one you celebrate:)) Many thanks for showing this dainty one to All Seasons! Have a lovely week.

Sum of their Stories said...

I love your chair and it's embroidered seat, and the super cute pom poms. (and of course your poem!) This will be one of the features over at Handmade Monday tomorrow. :-)

Anna said...

I love the embroidery! You must be very pleased with that renovation! Anna x

Srividya said...

This is simply stunning. And loved the way you write!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

It is lovely! :)