Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Summer Vacation: Scotland!

Ten lovely things from my vacation to Scotland:

1. There were more shades of green in nature 
than I could count, and all the drama you wish on vacation
was in the clear or cloudy skies.

2. Everybody we met was nice and chatty,
especially the sellers in the farmers' markets.

3. The animals were friendly as well.
A red rooster came to visit our rented farmhouse 
every single morning.

4. Even the rain had a sense of humor.
Walk about with a coat and an umbrella 
and you might get a drizzle.
But go to a castle on a cliff with only a light sweater
and it will pour buckets on you.

5. A lonely stone on a hilltop had the carving:
As still skies or storms unfold
take a moment to behold;
in sun, rain, sleet or snow
warm your soul before you go.

6. The cleanest public restrooms ever.
It had to be mentioned.

7. The dairy products (my favorite food group)
were delicious. When I saw the cows grazing quietly
in the open fields, I could understand why.

8. The tea-rooms with their amazing scones and cakes.
I felt I was in a Miss Marple mystery
(only without the bodies).

9. The little stream that run just outside the farmhouse,
the perfect setting for my morning coffee.

10. Most of all I liked the cool clean air.
I've been back for a single day in our hot and humid
summer and already I miss it so.


mamasmercantile said...

Looks idyllic, I am a great fan of Scotland and love to have little breaks there. I dream of one day living on one of the Western Isles. Great photos.

Things and Thoughts said...

I've spent my honeymoon in Scotland and love this land so much. We thought to return this year but we are always concerned about how to drive on this opposite side...Any suggestions for hotels?

Things and Thoughts said...

I've spent my honeymoon in Scotland and love this land so much. We thought to return this year but we are always concerned about how to drive on this opposite side...Any suggestions for hotels?

Bridget said...

I've always wanted to go to Scotland, but have not made it yet. But from your pictures and your comments, it looks and sounds similar to Ireland, which is one of my favorite places in the universe. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!

Maya Kuzman said...

Gorgeous photos Amalia! It felt wonderful going through them and your notes! We love Scotland and must visit it one day!

Isabel said...

The photos are spectacular. I loved the graffiti and the horses. They are unique.

Kiss :)

Haak en Pen said...

What a beautifull pictures! I simply adore Scotland, partly because my familiy lives there, but also because of the stunning nature and the salty air.
You made a lovely impression of it
With warm wishes Manon

Lorrie said...

Scotland sounds just lovely. Clean washrooms are something to appreciate!! Beautiful photos.

La Table De Nana said...

You have such a great EYE Amalia..:)
It looks stunning..beautiful gardens..architecture..animals and yes tea and scones!
Yes clean washrooms are a gift.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hello Amalia, it sounds and looks like it was a nice vacation for you! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your trip! :)

Jess said...

SO pretty! :)

Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

Kim said...

I have never been and it looks completely charming. Your photos are always top notch ~ I like your view of the world! I also adore the sheep. I want one! ;)

Jesh StG said...

Had not expected such manicured gardens in Scotland! That breakfast (?) looks delicious!
The two white horses you featured for SEASONS are precious -lovely! Many thanks for sharing some of your vacation with the others of SEASONS:) Have a great week, blog friend!

Ann said...

What a wonderful vacation. Beautiful photos. Thanks for taking me along. I like the picture of the horses. It looks like one horse with two bodies....lol

Meredith said...

Darn, now I want to jump on a plane and fly to Scotland right away!
Your trip looks wonderful.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Awe sounds like you had a wonderful time, Scotland is a beautiful country!
Glad there were no bodies though! ;)

chateau chic said...

Looks and sounds like a glorious vacation, Amalia. Breathtaking photos...especially loving the photo of the sheep grazing.
Mary Alice

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Just lovely and looks so memorable. The pastries look too perfect to eat but I am sure they were wonderful!

VeggieMummy said...

Looks like you had a fantastic time - your photos are fabulous. The tarts and cream teas have got me salivating! xx

VeggieMummy said...

Looks like you had a fantastic time - your photos are fabulous. The tarts and cream teas have got me salivating! xx

Lowcarb team member said...

Your photo's are so lovely.
I am pleased you had a great vacation

All the best Jan

Kim said...

Oh what glorious photos of your Summer vacation, Amalia. A pretty farmhouse with a running stream and a verdant view of all those lovely greens.....sounds bliss. As Summer vacations go, with all those fabulous sights and experiences, it can't get better than that.

Gloria Baker said...

I love Scotland Amalia, this sounds wonderful and love the beautiful pictures :))

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

OH my what a wonderful record of your time there; just beautiful!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

What a wonderful vacation and to stay in a farmhouse...Couldn't get any better! Ok, I love all the pictures but, you really had me with the food!


Mindy said...

Thank you so much for letting me "travel" with you Amalia! I have some Scottish roots somewhere so it was especially fun seeing it through your eyes as I may never travel there. Have a wonderful week!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Enjoyed the tour with you. Hope you had a lovely time.

Gumbo Lily said...

Oh, what a joy! All that green! It makes sense to me that contented cows would make for lovely cream and other dairy goods. Loved that wonky tree and of course, the baked goodies. Thank you for sharing this beautiful land.

Anonymous said...

Stunning pictures!! Really, you have an eye for the most beautiful details and framing.
Very nice, I've enjoyed watching your photos.
Take care,

Deanies Stash said...

Amanda, your photos are wonderful. You have totally captured the essence of Scotland. Love that place, too! A great place to visit.

xo Dianne

Vintage Jane said...

Despite having Scottish heritage I have never visited but really feel I should now after your lovely description. x

cristina said...

Happy summer, Amalia!
Great post with beautiful photos!

cristina said...

Happy summer, Amalia!
Great post with beautiful photos!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


The air, the shades of green, the animals....the tea rooms. I need nothing else.

Amalia, what a vacation. I am one for cooler climates, and even our summer here in Minneapolis is cooler than normal, but very pleasant. Nights require just a light blanket, and you feel you are by the sea.

How marvelous is your share!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what an awesome trip. Even with the rain and cloudy skies! Gorgeous views, beautiful scenery and I love the animals.
Wonderful post and lovely photos. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Judith said...

Thank you so much for sharing these - my heart eased up just looking... :-)

magnoliasntea said...

Oh, oh, oh, what gorgeous photos! I'm homesick for Scotland now. I do have Scottish blood, but I've never lived there so don't worry, I'll be okay. ;)
Have a wonderful week!

Gracie Saylor said...

Perfect! If I ever go to Scotland, this is what I want to see...rain or shine, Amalia! I'm so glad you had such a lovely time, and I can appreciate how you enjoyed the difference in temperature from where you live. When I lived in Massachusetts, NY, Missouri, and especially Texas, I did not enjoy the hot humid weather. Here in Oregon where I live the temperature is moderate year round usually. If I want snow I can drive up Mt. Hood 45 minutes away. If I want dry heat I can drive an hour to the east of Mt. Hood in the summertime. Thanks so much for taking the time to create such a beautiful post! xxxxxxxxx

The French Hutch said...

Love your post, fabulous photos! I'm sure is was an amazing vacation. I've been there once and loved it, would return in in a NY minute!
Thanks for sharing your vacation……...

TexWisGirl said...

just beautiful! and such yummy looking food! what a great place to visit!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Every photo is wonderful but that castle on the cliffs overlooking the sea...truly amazing! :)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Every photo is wonderful but that castle on the cliffs overlooking the sea...truly amazing! :)

DD's Cottage said...

So many stunning colors! I love Scotland too. Glad you had a good time

Carla from The River said...

I always enjoy traveling with you.
Fun, Fun, Fun!

Red Rose Alley said...

Amalia, I enjoyed these pictures of Scotland so much that I'm going to forward them to my kids. It's one of the places that they greatly want to visit....and they are part Scottish on their father's side. The cool clean air and the little stream that ran outside the farmhouse sounds perfect. Clear pretty pictures, lush green countryside, I loved them all! And those strawberry tarts, oh my!


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Amalia, I so much want to visit Scotland. And you have made me want to more. Your photos are outstandingly gorgeous, as are your ten thoughts. The photo of the two white horses is amazing! xo ♥

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Amalia, what an amazing trip you had. I love every photo you share of this beautiful country. The lush healthy colors are incredible. Thank you for sharing your trip. Have a wonderful summer. xo

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, what beautiful photographs of your wonderful vacation! Breathtakingly beautiful! x Karen

Amy at love made my home said...

Glad you had a great time! It all looks very beautiful!

Lara B. said...

Your photos make me want to live there. Everything looks cool and green. The photo of the horses made me laugh because I had to figure out which horse belonged to the head. So glad you had a marvelous time!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I enjoyed the pictures, but even more, your commentary, you are just.so.funny! I love the part about the rain pouring on you with a sense of humor, lol! Your vacation was truly delightful, and I feel like I could hear the bagpipes playing, the wind blowing across the fields, and the amazement of intricate beauty of the gardens. Lovely dear Amelia, thank you for this!

Jo said...

Lovely clear pictures of a delightful looking holiday. So were there too many greens AND cakes to remember hehe!!

ZazaCook said...

What a lovely poem! Thanks Amelia:) I love this country, I keep a good memory. The nature is so green, the people so nice!

eileeninmd said...

PS, thank you for linking up and sharing your post!

Poppy said...

Oh, Amalia, you take the most beautiful pictures! I cannot stop staring at the one with the adorable red bridge (it reminds me of one of Monet's!), and cannot stop salivating at those mini strawberry tarts! What a paradise for the senses. Your choice to spend it on a farmhouse in the Scottish countryside was brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

Have a wonderful week!


Luciana F. Damiano said...

Wonderful your photos.
The place is amazing!
Thank you for sharing...

Sandra said...

What a beautiful place to visit! The embroidery work is amazing! Scotland is so beautiful!
Sandra xxx

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Stunning photographs! Thanks so much for taking us along. I can dream, right?

Anna said...

What a beautiful post !!!!
Gorgeous pictures and lovely words...
Have a nice day !

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful place and great looking food. Scotland is a beautiful place for a vacation!

Conniecrafter said...

Oh my it sure looks like a heavenly vacation that is for sure.... well minus the rain when you only had a light sweater :) The area you stayed in looks so calming and relaxing, I would love to vacation there. Thanks for sharing your fun time away!!

handmade by amalia said...

What a romantic setting for a honeymoon! We holidayed in the northern part of Scotland this time and in the southern part last year. Both times we stayed at a farmhouse. I can recommend both as they were excellent in every detail and beautifully located for our daily travels. Sorry I can't help with hotel recommendations, but I'll be happy to give any information I can. And yes, I was glad I wasn't the one doing the driving :-)

Helen Philipps said...

I love Scotland, and you have captured the atmosphere so well with your lovely pictures and words, Amalia!
Helen xox

Bernideen said...

Dear Amalia:
Your photos of Scotland are so wonderful. You have truly captured a country full of charm and memories! Thanks for sharing and linking.

Polly said...

You've captured Scotland beautifully Amalia. You have an excellent eye for gorgeous original photos xx

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Amalia, I've always wanted to visit Scotland, and now I feel I have -- your photos and commentary are outstanding!

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

This most have been such an amazing place to visit... All the green lush landscape, and gardens... Wow!
And, clean restrooms are definitely noteworthy!

Anonymous said...

Your vacation to Scotland is so lovely!!!
I love your poem and photos very very much :))


Patricia said...

Oh what beautiful photos. I love the green, the old buildings, the gardens. And I love the mural of Queen Victoria and John Brown - cute :) I have always wanted to go to Scotland, and now more than ever. Thank you for sharing.

Art and Sand said...

Thanks for taking me on a little visit to Scotland.

Thanks for sharing with SYC.

John Willingham said...

Through pictures Scotland looks like a very beautiful place. I hope you enjoyed thoroughly. So serene, calm, relaxing, green and captivating place.

Pamela Gordon said...

Gorgeous photos from your visit to Scotland, Amalia. It is a beautiful country with rich history and great architecture, sheep, green grass, stone fences, cobbled streets etc. We visited in 1992 and loved it and I sure wold like to return! Thanks for sharing. Pam

Down by the sea said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful holiday in Scotland, we love it there too. Your images are lovely you have really captured the essence of the place. Sarah x

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Gorgeous photos of Scotland and what a beautiful country and great architecture. I want those sheep! Thanks for sharing a country I doubt I'll see.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Oh gosh, call me jealous!! I want to go to Scotland so badly. Your photos are fabulous and I loved your list! :) Mind me asking where and how you found where you stayed?

handmade by amalia said...

We decided on the location that would allow us the best day trips and wasn't too far from Aberdeen airport and then used TripAdvisor to look at the available properties and choose the one that suited us.

Ingrid K. said...

Hello Amelia,

Thanks for sharing your lovely photos, looks like you had a nice time in Scotland! :)

Have a nice weekend!
Ingrid xx

Magia da Inês said...

Imagens muito bonitas!!!

Bom fim de semana!


Fotos fantásticas, passeio glamouroso!! Amei conhecer um pouquinho desse país... ainda não fui, mas está na minha lista!


Vee said...

Thank you for a taste of Scotland. I looked for my darling's ancestral home as one of the photos looked as if... =D May the memory of cool, clear, and fresh help you sail safely through an otherwise hot, humid summer.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

If this wasn't a dream vacation, then I don't know what is! The photos are all amazing, but the sweet bridge captured my heart. And that castle in the cliffs! Truly what dreams are made of.

Stephanie said...

My, what a delightful vacation, my friend. I just loved seeing your beautiful photos as you indeed gave us a taste of Scotlane.

Hugs to you!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Looks like a fantastic vacation, Amalia. The photos are beautiful, especially the flowers along the fence; and of course, the castle on the cliff. Breathtaking!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

So pretty!! I love the first photo!! Thanks again for all your visits!! I so appreciate them!!


Unknown said...

I have visited Scotland many times, in fact I did have my honeymoon there too. It really is a beautiful place with stunning scenery. Glad you enjoyed it as well!

Handmade in Israel said...

Oh wow! Scotland! We were there two years ago and loved it. Such wonderful photos. Such fantastic memories!

Winnie said...

תמונות מדהימות!!
סקוטלנד היא אחת הארצות היפות ביותר לדעתי.
כך חשבתי לפני שהיינו שם, ואני בטח חושבת כך היום - לאחר שהיינו שם.
ירוק ירוק ירוק - פשוט נהדררררררררררררר

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

What a marvelous holiday!! My parents lived in Scotland for a year and I was lucky enough to visit them---such fun memories come with the time we spent there.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

What a marvelous holiday!! My parents lived in Scotland for a year and I was lucky enough to visit them---such fun memories come with the time we spent there.

JES said...

Oh dear! Scotland has been on my wish list and NOW even more! #6 was definitely worthy of mention! :)

Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Lucky you!

She loves to crochet said...

Now you know why I always carry an umbrella! Glad you had a good time despite the weather, looks like you visited Crathes Castle and Queen's View at Loch Tummel, it's always beautiful. Hx

TLady said...

WONDERFUL PHOTOS AMALIA! WOW!!! WHAT A VACATION this must have been! I chuckled when I read #8! ;) I even noticed a Japanese Garden ? Am I right? JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thanks for coming over to visit!) ;)

Tricia Buice said...

Oh what a wonderful trip! My ancestry is Scottish and I've always wanted to go and see the green. What wonderful photos - thank you so much for sharing. I love that the people are friendly - that makes the trip that much better!

Dewena said...

Amalia, I love everywhere your camera takes us but Scotland tops them all! Oh to feel the cool air there and to feel oneself in a Marple mystery! I think the letter-box art is brilliant!

Dewena said...

Amalia, I love everywhere your camera takes us but Scotland tops them all! Oh to feel the cool air there and to feel oneself in a Marple mystery! I think the letter-box art is brilliant!

Kathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home} said...

Wow, your pictures are gorgeous! So glad you had a good time. My husband spent some time there in grad school and he absolutely loved it! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xoKathleen

handmade by amalia said...

Well spotted! Yes, I loved both.

Coastal Ripples said...

How different to your usual landscape. Some beautiful photos. You certainly saw some stunning parts of Scotland. B X

Rosie said...

Wonderful photos and I love how you have interspersed them with photos of tasty treats. Scotland is a beatiful country and your words describe it well:)

Manu said...

Amalia, nice to meet you abd thanks for commenting my blog; I do appreciate.
Wonderful your pics, travelling is so beautiful.
I'll follow your blog.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest Amalia, thank you for coming to my post! YOU are correct. If nature can't at least make you think, relax, restart your life, then what can?

I am able to come here once again to enjoy your trip to the land of emerald beauty. What a place!

Bonnie said...

Beautiful Amalia! I would love to visit Scotland. You have made it come alive. Right now, with our heat and humidity the cool clean air would be very welcome.
Your photos are beautiful and so glad you have a great vacation.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

What beautiful images of Scotland. So glad you had a lovely time.
I was born in Scotland and it has a special place in my heart :)

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Oh my goodness, such beautiful photos. I hope to visit one day. It's my family history....

Ohmydearests said...

Your photos tell a beautiful story. <3

white and vintage said...

Hello Amalia,
Scottland seems to be a very beautiful and interesting country.
Lovely greetings,

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Oh your pictures are so beautiful Amalia, love each and everyone of them. Sounds like You had a wonderful vacation.

Diane said...

What gorgeous pictures.

Hugs Diane

Margie said...

Thank you for sharing your stunning photos, Amalia. Reasons #6 & #8 make me want to go to Scotland too!

abrianna said...

All your shots are beautiful. I was thinking that it looked nice and cool there.

abrianna said...

All your shots are beautiful. I was thinking that it looked nice and cool there.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

The only European country I've been to was Ireland, but I hope to get to Scotland one day. Ireland had so many shades of patchwork green, and their bathrooms were exceptionally clean, too. Your photos were stunning and make me want to go!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

It looks like you had a fabulous and relaxing vacation, Amalia. I enjoyed all your beautiful pictures and reading about the things you loved in Scotland. Everything sounds very good to me. Right now I would especially appreciate some of the cool clean Scottish air.

The Charm of Home said...

What a gorgeous tour! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

Kasztanowy Domek said...

Fantastic photos!!! Greetings! Kisses:))


Katrin@northernfeeling.com said...

Lovely pictures, they make me want to go to Scotland right now! So green and it looks nice and cool there!

Sharon Wagner said...

I think you've just convinced a lot of future travelers to visit Scotland! Serene photography. And the strawberry tarts look amazing.

thistlewoodfarm said...

Beautiful photography! Love the glimpse into Scotland!

Happy day friend!

Unknown said...

J'adore Scotland! I've visited just the one time and loved it. Your gorgeous photographs bring back very fond memories. It's such a lovely country!

Mrs. W. said...

Wow, Amalia, those are some really awesome photo! Your food photos make me REALLY hungry [I am not eating today :)]. What a lovely vacation!


SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Simply gorgeous photos, Amalia! The green is so green there. Loved seeing Scotland through your keen eyes!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

There is a saying in Ireland that it has "40 shades of green" It looks the same for Scotland. Gorgeous photos and so many charming scenes, Amalia. I felt so peaceful looking at your photos!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Such stunning views and fabulous photos!
*deep sighs of envy and admiration* :)

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Beautiful series of photos....it's interesting to see Scotland with a fresh eye!
Thanks for sharing this.
Happy weekend!

handmade by amalia said...

Yes, I was tempted to sneak one of those darling sheep into my suitcase. But I've shopped and shopped and there was no room.

handmade by amalia said...

No mysteries at all, except why time went by so quickly.

handmade by amalia said...

You would like their baking and sweet treats, Gloria, almost as impressive as yours :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I cannot tell a lie, I did :-)

handmade by amalia said...

That is Dunnottar Castle. It was a top 10 finalist in the search for the 8th wonder of the world, and well deserved IMO. Spectacular.

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you, Poppy, I'm so glad you're back. Only you would come up with a phrase as lovely as 'a paradise for the senses'.

handmade by amalia said...

I loved the mural as well. I thought it was brilliant next to a working post office box.

handmade by amalia said...

It wasn't packed with tourists when we were there and yet it seems that everyone has been :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Yes. That is the walled garden at Blair Castle. Beside all the endless miles of greenery, there are stunning cultivated gardens as well.

handmade by amalia said...

Exactly! Very very different to the landscape around here. I wish we had some of the Scottish rain.

handmade by amalia said...

How wonderful, Manu! Welcome aboard!

handmade by amalia said...

They should bottle it. They'd make a fortune.

Botanic Bleu said...

Your photos are beautiful, and your ten lovely things were delightful to read. I smiled at all of the photos and smiled even more while reading your ten lovely things.


Decor To Adore said...

Simply amazing! Each picture was lovelier than the last.

Ela said...

Wow !! That's an amazing place !!!

Keri said...

Amalia, your trip to Scotland looks amazing!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time and what beautiful pictures!!

Beauty Follower said...

Wonderful photos. We use to treat those little strawberry tartlets in Greece too ;)
Hot and wet is the weather here in Athens too :(


Green Thumb said...

Geez, Scotland is so beautiful!

Red Rose Alley said...

These photos are absolutely beautiful! I loved seeing Scotland through your lens and reading about your favorites. One of my favorite photos was the castle on the cliffs. And how funny that it started to pour (but probably not funny at the time!) Those memories will last forever. Thank you for taking us along on your trip. :-)


HWIT BLOGG said...

Beautiful photos from a beautiful Scotland! I just love that country and I MUST visit it again sometime in the future...
Have a lovely weekend!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Beautiful photos from a beautiful Scotland! I just love that country and I MUST visit it again sometime in the future...
Have a lovely weekend!

Tamara said...

What lovely lovely photos! It looks to be a very charming place with beauty and interest around every corner. I enjoyed reading your ten points very much. And that funny rain! ;) Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventure and so glad you made it safely home.

Tamara <3

betty-NZ said...

Excellent series!

Stins said...

So wonderful to see your pictures dear Amalia! We fell in love with Scotland .... Thanks so much for your sweet words on my blog, lots of love from Mirjam.

Stins said...

So wonderful to see your pictures dear Amalia! We fell in love with Scotland .... Thanks so much for your sweet words on my blog, lots of love from Mirjam.

Fiona said...

Stunning pictures Amalia. Lush greens, the cakes ...and I love the mural of Queen Victoria and Mr Brown, I wonder if anything really did happen between them.

Burlap Luxe said...

I like your 10 things about your Scotland, but I could find a million things, the most important of them is the breathless beauty.


Wonky Patchwork said...

What beautiful images, and such a contrast with your usual (also beautiful) surroundings. I don't know what looks more stunning, the scenery or the food!

zerry ht said...

Oh my goodness, your summer vacation looks amazing. I too visited Chicago in these summer vacations. We had hosted a funky family party too at Chicago event venues and enjoyed each and every moment of this party and vacation as well.

Retro blue said...

Wonderful, just wonderful.Your pictures and poem about Scotland.
Hugs from France Amalia:)

Jodiebodie said...

Beautiful! I plan to share the link to your Scottish posts with a friend who lived there for a short while and loved the place but it is a looong way from Australia. You have a great eye for photography and that framed embroidery is marvellous.

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures but, you really had me with the food!
