Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fresh and Exciting

10 reasons why I've been waiting and waiting for winter:

1. It is fresh and exciting. Goodbye dust!

2. Mushrooms - in soups, quiches, everywhere.
I have wonderful memories of going mushroom picking as a child.

3. Cyclamens - for me they will always be the shiest of flowers,
thanks to a nursery rhyme that has them growing quietly under a rock.
These days they are more likely to grow quietly in a nursery,
but we are not here to nitpick.

4. I won't have to wash my car for ages!

5. Sweaters, scarves, hats! Yarn is still my first crafty love.

6. Walking in the rain with an umbrella.
I am way too old to visit every puddle, but still...

7. Winter reading. So much cozier with a crochet blanket
and a nice cup of tea, maybe even a baked treat.
Because winter draws you back into the kitchen.

8. Proper movies in the cinema. Away with you summer blockbusters, 
I've had my fill of super-heroes for now.

9. Turning back the clocks!
Oh no, I don't actually like it getting dark so early. Wrong list.

10. Rain-rain-rain! It simply fuels me with energy.
If you had our long hot summer, you would understand.


Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Amalia,
I love your list expect for the rain and it getting dark so early! I love listening to the rain when sleeping but I hate being out in it!!! Lol!
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Julie xo

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Rain? Is that your winter? LOL... we may have a rainy winter here, which would be unusual for us. Snow comes, and then the rain, and the snow leaves, so sad! I loved your winter list, and hearing about your winter and mudpuddles, and such. I agree... a cozy blanket, a hot cup of tea, and warm treats from the kitchen, make winter a special time. I'm glad that your winter is making you happy! Your pictures are gorgeous - all of them! A delightful visit today for sure!

Gumbo Lily said...

I always love it when you take pictures of beautiful food -- especially baked!
What are the plants in the four pots? Are they succulents of some kind?
I like your wintertime list. I like hot mugs of drink and a little sweet.
Glad you are happy in winter.

Stephanie said...

Dearest Amalia, what a fun and delightful list :) Winter is my favorite season as I just adore the white sparkly snow and crisp, cold days. Sitting by the fire with coffee and a good book is absolutely heavenly, and baking cookies with my little one brings a smile to my face :)

Lovely post, dear friend, and your photos are simply amazing. Hugs!

La Table De Nana said...

What a pretty pretty post:) Love the header too:)

Géraldine B. said...

I hope you'll have a winter as sweet and cozy as you want to and like it ! I understand your need of fresh air ... Have a peaceful weekend !

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's a wonderful way to start the new season. For us here in Florida, it means less hot and a chance to get out on more hikes and outings. It's fun...except for the short days! Hugs, Diane

Kim said...

Haha! Wrong list! Love it...I am not loving the early darkness either. Boo!!

magnoliasntea said...

Those mushrooms look absolutely delicious. Love the flowers, too.
Have a great weekend!

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Hi Amalia, what a wonderful list, winter is my favorite too!

susan said...

Your photos made my day! Food and flowers - 2 of my favorite things.

Gracie Saylor said...

You and I share some of the same items on your list! I just posted a complaint about not being able to see what light Day Light Savings time saves :) I wore a scarf yesterday and would need to use an umbrella today if I were out and about. A few days ago I brought the geraniums from my window box in to winter inside. Do you do that or can geraniums make it through your winter outside? I just had tea and toast with peanut butter and home made strawberry jelly for brunch. Wishing you cozy days xx

Maya Kuzman said...

I love your list and found myself in everything! I've been doing #7 this past week and will probably do #6 next week if the forecast is correct :)

mamasmercantile said...

A great list, with some wonderful photos. I love snuggling under a crochet blanket or working on a large project on my lap to keep me warm.

Meredith said...

10 wonderful reasons my friend.

Daniela said...

My sweetest Amalia,
I also love Winter, the coziness of the hearth, to spend more time at home, the days going slowly, more time for baking sweets and for our creativity ... well, I'd love this season to be longer, truly !!!
Thank you for this wonderful post, I've enjoyed it so very much !
Sending love and big big hugs

Kim said...

Oh how wonderful it always to visit your little corner of the world. Lovely, lovely photos, Amalia. Who needs umbrellas when it rains, it is so much more fun to splish splosh in those puddles. Though in my little corner of the world rain is our constant companion, hence the beautiful gardens. Your Wintry days ahead do sound like bliss. Enjoy!

Dewena said...

That Gingerbread Man was smiling right at me, Amalia! And is that hoe cakes in the picture? At least that's what we call them in the South although they're probably known as corn cakes. Love them with hot soup!

I like everything on your list, even # 9, I'm a plain ole regular time gal!

Bring winter on!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Beautiful photos, have such a talent for capturing little spots of beauty! The cyclamens are wonderful...and I LOVE rainy days, too...

Red Rose Alley said...

aahh, gingerbread cookies, I love them! You love the rain, Amalia? Me too. : ) I know what you mean about not having to wash the car. We're supposed to get alot of rain this winter and I am looking forward to it. A lovely post today with pretty pictures.


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Amalia, I do understand how the rains can energize. I love the rain too and especially being in my studio to create on rainy days. Your photos are gorgeous! Have a great weekend ahead! xo

Lara B. said...

What a lovely list Amalia and so many gorgeous photographs too! I love cyclamen too. The blooms look like flocks of exotic butterfflies hovering over the leaves.

Lorrie said...

Your list is lovely, Amalia. The food photo makes me want to reach in and grab a pastry! Cyclamen grow here along the forest paths in autumn and spring. The fall flowers are gone now that the cold rains have arrived. We rarely have snow but I always long for it.

Quilting Stories said...

I have nothing to add dear Amalia, you express my feelings about winter with your own beautiful and poetic words! Have a wonderful winter!

Wonky Patchwork said...

Beautiful photos and words, and you may have convinced me that over there I too would love Winter! But over here, I think you'd prefer Summer! Hope you're picking lots of mushrooms.

Wonky Patchwork said...

Beautiful photos and words, and you may have convinced me that over there I too would love Winter! But over here, I think you'd prefer Summer! Hope you're picking lots of mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

Winter is very hard season for me because I have a poor blood circulation.
But I can like winter for your lovely post!
Thank you, Amalia!!!


Anna said...

Love your post !!!!
Have a cosy weekend !

Conniecrafter said...

Great pics, I love the one with the pots on the window sill and the reflection in the window. I too like the cuddling under a warm blanket in the winter, that and it is the only time I drink hot cocoa :)

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Your list paints a pretty picture Amalia but I really don't like winter at all. The only good thing about it is its followed by spring!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so happy for you! It looks quite cozy and beautiful. I know nothing about picking the proper mushrooms for consumption. Enjoy your weekend! xo ♥

Helen Philipps said...

Great the flowers on the window sill! Your words capture the joys of winter so well!
Happy weekend.
Helen xox

Keri said...

I'm with you on the crocheted hats, scarves, and blankets. Happy Winter to you! :)

Parsimonious Décor Darling said...

Love your list...please send rain my way! We are still mid-drought!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Wonderful images, Amalia. I love the charming flowers and all the textures in your photos. Life-giving rain. Marvelous!

Vee said...

Desired rain is a huge blessing! My favorite photo, besides the food (love food!), is the forest and the water. Perhaps because it reminds me of my own corner. Enjoy the cozy times...

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely post ... with some great photo's.
I've always liked Cyclamens, so colourful.

It is certainly much colder here in the UK at them moment my thicker socks, gloves and scarf are out of the drawer!

Wishing you a good week ahead.

All the best Jan

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Lovely photos and thoughts on winter and the benefits it brings :)

Carla from The River said...

I always love your list blog posts. So fun.
I love winter, it is my favorite season.

I will be taking a blog break. I wanted to wish you a great week.
xx oo

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I love the colder weather and I do LOVE snow but I am tired of having to drive to work in it all the time so I hope now that I am part time, I will miss some of the snow falls and can enjoy them from my window!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Jo said...

Hi Amalia, I love cyclamens too. My garden ones come every year as the ferns go squishy and fade away like tag-gardening! Jo x

Gillian said...

I love the things on your list too. It's a pity we didn't have a good summer in the UK so now the wet, windy and even snowy weather isn't all the nice!

Ann said...

Well you've presented an excellent case for winter and I can't really argue with any of the reasons you've given but I'm still not a Summer will always be my favorite. Of course our summers are not too hot here. Our winters on the other hand are far too cold and last too long.
You have a wonderful blog here. I've been enjoying some of your previous posts.

Enara Girl said...

Hello Amalia:
I like from your list: mushrooms, cyclamens, walking in the rain. Very cute pictures!
Have a great day dear!

Starr White said...

Oh yes! simmering soups and steaming mugs and layers of soft woolen things....evenings by the fire, glittery frost on everything in the morning, pink noses and rosy cheeks....I LOVE WINTER!!!!

Ela said...

Lovely post and fantastic pictures !!
I love meadow with flowers !!

Stacey said...

Love this post and thinking about wintery things. :)

Diane said...

Wonderful pictures and post Amalia.

Hugs diane

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

Beautiful! We have our first snow and are covered in white, so it is wonderful to see all the color you are enjoying!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Rain is an 'acceptable' excuse to stay home and do whatever you would normally feel guilty doing if it was sunny ;).

Pom Pom said...

What a sweet post! I love your winter loves list.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Thanks Amalia for joining and sharing this with us at Cooking and Crafting with J&J!
Have a nice week. Julie

VeggieMummy said...

Such lovely photos. There's a bit too much rain here for my liking at the moment. I love mushrooms too but, unfortunately, my eldest doesn't (it's the texture rather than the taste that bothers her), so we have to time our mushroom eating to days when she is elsewhere. Enjoy the rest of your week. xx

VeggieMummy said...

Such lovely photos. There's a bit too much rain here for my liking at the moment. I love mushrooms too but, unfortunately, my eldest doesn't (it's the texture rather than the taste that bothers her), so we have to time our mushroom eating to days when she is elsewhere. Enjoy the rest of your week. xx

Tricia Buice said...

All your photos are fantastic - and I too am ready for winter. Wonderful list :)

The Charm of Home said...

Beautiful photos! I love the gingerbread men!

The Charm of Home said...

Beautiful photos! I love the gingerbread men!

Bernideen said...

I loved your beautiful photos and your list! Especially the mushrooms and so glad you shared at my blog party!

Jess said...

This is such a neat post! :)

Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J. Happy Thanksgiving!

Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl said...

"Oh no, I don't actually like it getting dark so early. Wrong list." Haha! Too true. I always seem to get tired quicker or easier during this season. Thanks for the lovely and crisp photos. This list reminded me that I have more in common with others than I usually think!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Pretty photos! What cute gingerbread men. xoxo Su

Ana said...

Beautiful pictures Amalia. I love cooler winter weather best too. And I love, love, love the rain. Enjoy my friend.


She loves to crochet said...

You just made me smile as I had a mental picture of you jumping in puddles, I'd swap for crunching through dry leaves though and a little less rain as we've had too much this year. Your photos are lovely. Hx

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

I love your sense of humor and share your love of most things, except mushrooms. hehe All of your photos are stunning! I'm wanting to make some gingerbread cookies to decorate with, and of course eat. Stay warm and cozy under your afghan!

Borgmästaren said...

Your post shows how varied the notion of winter is across the planet. Our winter does no where near include flowers and mushrooms. Living close to the arctic circle, winters mean very very short days. It almost feel like you are hibernating. I went to Stockholm in the south of Sweden and gosh how much daylight they had. I honestly think noone likes November up here.

Unknown said...

Such a lovely post and amazing pictures <3.Stay warm and cosy and have a beautiful weekend.

Carolina G. Ticala said...

I love to visit your blog !!! Very good entries!!! happy day !!!

Carolina G. Ticala said...

I love to visit your blog !!! Very good entries!!! happy day !!!

FlashinScissors said...

Hi Amalia,
Your photos are lovely, especially the fungi! Most evocative of the time of year!
I too, love to sit cozily with a crochet blanket and a stitching project on my lap, and the dark evenings are certainly a great excuse for this!
Hope you are having a great week!
Barbara xx

Bonnie said...

Each picture evokes a memory and special thought.
Happy Thanksgiving

Summer said...

Wow! Loving these photos ♥

Enara Girl said...

Have a great weekend dear! xoxo

Feral Turtle said...

Oh I truly understand about loving winter. It is so much cozier! A wonderful post.

Anu-My Ginger Garlic Kitchen said...

This is such an awesome post, Amaila. And these photographs look astounding.

Green Thumb said...

You have captured so many beautiful things. I love the plants! Nice for you to like winter. I would think winter reading under the warm blanket is fun.

Beth said...

Yes to all of this, but especially the winter reading. There's nothing cozier!

Nina said...

Yes to all these great reasons to love winter!
Reading is especially something I like to do, in the dark evenings .. lighting candles to bring about coziness.
Love your photos - beautiful!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Wonderful list! We are just starting to need the sweaters and scarves here! Great pics!

Bernideen said...

I wanted to let you know that this posted was one of the featured blog posts today! Have a great weekend.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I'm with ya on all of these points. Love your beautiful pictures!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

NOW I want a gingerbread man in the worst way ! :)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

NOW I want a gingerbread man in the worst way ! :)

DD's Cottage said...

I am hungry now Amalia-love the photos and the lake looks gorgeous! I love the rain too and am happy for Fall and Winter.

Luciana F. Damiano said...

Beautifull images of nature waiting for the winter.
A warm season really.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a lovely post! You have a great list and I would enjoy most of these things except for maybe the rain.. I need my vitamin D sunshine.. Gorgeous collection of images. Have a happy weekend and new week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting me! I still need to settle on a good way to come to your blog ...(because I want to avoid google plus). What a lovely post - yes, goodbye dust! But unfortunately, now I wish, goodbye mud! Am thinking on putting gravel in the drive way... The food you displayed looks so good, not to forget the pancakes. Have a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting me! I still need to settle on a good way to come to your blog ...(because I want to avoid google plus). What a lovely post - yes, goodbye dust! But unfortunately, now I wish, goodbye mud! Am thinking on putting gravel in the drive way... The food you displayed looks so good, not to forget the pancakes. Have a happy weekend!

ewa777 said...

Amalia, your photos are beautiful and touching. Many years ago I also often went into the forest to look for such mushrooms.
Other Your pictures are also close to me. A beautiful meadow, flowers, house in the distance are also the views of my childhood:)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a lovely post ... I always love coming here. I enjoyed reading your list of reasons why you're glad for winter. And, yes I like that this time of year draws us back to the kitchen ... the heart of the home, as Susan Branch would say. And I had a good chuckle at your comment about liking that it gets dark earlier and oops, it's on the wrong list. Ha! I actually do like it darker earlier ... I like the cozy.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Amalia!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Amalia, stopping back by to say hello and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Have a great rest of the weekend. Blessings xo

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Amalia! Wow, you have a lot of comments! Your photos are great and fun list to go along with them.
Thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog and for the comment!
Have a great week!

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you! How very Nice! Really made my day :-)

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Such beautiful photos, Amalia, especially the pancakes and the trees/lake above it.. Really enjoyed reading your list, which actually reminds me that there are some nice thigs about winter!

handmade by amalia said...

Our winter is mild and short but we still attached to it :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Succulents of the hardy variety :-) Very little care or water needed.

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you Stephanie, what a lovely comment ♥

handmade by amalia said...

It is a licence to be idle, very dangerous :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Our winter isn't cold so the plants can stay where they are and scarves mostly stay in the closet. Thanks for stopping by dear Gracie ♥

handmade by amalia said...

A hug and a kiss for you, Dany ♥

handmade by amalia said...

I've never heard of hoe cakes, dear Dewena, they sound wonderful. These are just regular pancakes.

handmade by amalia said...

Our wild cyclamen have very delicate colors. It is only the cultured ones that are so bold :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Stay warm and snugly, dear Akiko ♥

handmade by amalia said...

Hot cocoa! I knew I'd forgotten something :-)

handmade by amalia said...

The mushrooms in the photo, and the only ones that I know are safe, are called pine mushrooms are grow around pine trees. We have a LOT of pine trees around here :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I wish we had some to spare, rain's been pretty scarce around here so far :-(

handmade by amalia said...

Agreed! Harsh weather is better appreciated from within the house :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I suspect that your summer was on par with our winter, Gillian ♥

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for the lovely visit, Ann ♥

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, definitely!

handmade by amalia said...

Yes, mushrooms are one of those foods that divide the nation :-)

handmade by amalia said...

What a treat, dear Bernideen. Made my day :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I love gingerbread men. They have a secret smile and you have to wonder...

handmade by amalia said...

Stay warm! This is not for the faint-heartdd ♥

Beauty Follower said...

I totally understand you... we had a long hot summer too in Athens!

Things and Thoughts said...

What a great selection of photos! Love them all! I'm fond of winter too, it's a season that doesn't last so long here in Greece, So, I appreciate all the beauty comes with!
Be blessed

Mrs. W. said...

Hello Amalia,

What wonderful photos! And then, such lovely written thoughts below. You express things so nicely.

I love winter and am so glad when the heat of summer has finally past, and it begins to rain. I do love the rain. Also, I do not like the clock turned back.

It has been a pleasure visiting you!

:) Hope

Benita said...

Love the photos and agree totally with your list!! Perfect! Hugs!!

Poppy said...

Hi Amalia,

If anyone can understand your longing for winter, it's me! Living in Greece for so many years, but born in Canada, a country with 4 distinct seasons, I, too, waited for the rains, the green fields, winter flowers, and dewy mornings. Your pictures are perfectly pretty, full of texture, pattern and tasty goodness!

Happy holidays!

Poppy xo

handmade by amalia said...

I may have been premature - we've had precious little rain so far. But we are nothing if not hopeful :-)

Fiona said...

Beautiful photos are a talented photographer.