Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Spelling Bee

There once was a bee
who couldn’t make honey,
and when you’re a bee
it is not that funny.

The bee didn’t mind
and said, ‘Oh, well,
who needs honey
when you know how to spell?’

Featured: a felt wreath
to attract overeducated bees.


Ellie Foster said...

That felt wreath is stunning - what a lovely decoration.
Best wishes

Rhodesia said...

Very pretty and love the words. Cheers Diane

Vee said...

A cheery little bee for sure!

eileeninmd said...

Lol, I used to be good with spelling bees. Cute poem and the wreath is lovely.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Louca por porcelana said...

So cute dear Amalia! Hugs!

Lorrie said...

An optimistic bee to look on the bright and flowery side!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Cute poem and lovely wreath. Spelling was always my favorite subject in elementary school.

VeggieMummy said...

What a clever little poem and that felt wreath is wonderful. xx

Anonymous said...

What a cute wreaths, Amalia! I think the bee is so true and lovely<3


Tania Pelletier said...

Bahaha! How cute, I love it! It's like a lesson in being positive!!


Snowbird said...

Adorable. Smashing little poem

Conniecrafter said...

Oh my your wreath is gorgeous, love all the different styles of flowers and pretty colors!

Lowcarb team member said...

Your felt wreath looks lovely, so nice and colourful.
I enjoyed reading your poem.

All the best Jan

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Adore the wreath, your poem, and the spelling bee pun!! I would think even the ordinary non-spelling bees would be attracted to that beautiful flowering wreath.

A Joyful Cottage said...

The colors in the wreath are spectacular, Amalia. Love the spelling bee poem. Very clever. Hugs.

Nancy Chan said...

Pretty wreath. That is a smart bee.

Polly said...

Your wreath is beautiful Amalia.

roughterrain crane said...

So cute!

Soma @ said...

Love the little poem and felt wreath is lovely!!


EricaSta said...

Did you make this wreath? Wow ... it`s fantastic. Thank you for sharing. And of course your poem too.

Hugs by Heidrun

baili said...

loved the philosophy behind this cute little poetry absolutely :)

spectacular and exquisite art dear friend! you have an endless beauty within no doubt hugs and blessings

Junkchiccottage said...

Super cute. Love the sweet poem too. You are always so creative. xoxo Kris

Margie said...

In the words of the great philosopher, Taylor Swift, "Spelling is fun!"