Monday, September 28, 2020

Scarf Weather

If I had a scarf for every day
I'd always look so clever,
and every day would be laundry day
and I'd be ironing forever.

Featured: It is not yet scarf weather
around here but we live in hope.


Crafty in the Med said...

It isn't scarf weather here as yet either. As from January would be the time to wear these lovely scarfs. I adore those colours....gorgeous mix. I am pretty sure my grand-daughter would love that speckled pink one! What yarn is it please? Stay safe Amanda x

Patricia said...

What pretty scarfs Amalia. I would love to wear them all the time but alas, it is so hot here for many months, much too hot for a scarf. You must enjoy making and wearing them. xx

eileeninmd said...

Hello Amalia,

They are pretty scarfs, you would look beautiful wearing them.
Scarf weather is coming soon. Take care, enjoy your day! I wish you a happy new week.

Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm said...

Like you, I adore scarves and think your way of showcasing them is absolutely beautiful! Your header photo is fabulous as well; visiting you is a balm in Gilead, Amalia.

Rhodesia said...

Certainly cooling down here. I have far too many scarfs!! Hope all is well, Diane

Vee said...

😁 One thing is sure, it will surely come.

snowbird said...

oh goodness, how sweet are those scarves!xxx

Ela said...

All your scarves are beautiful ! I love their colors :)

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You made such pretty and colorful scarves! I am not looking forward to cold weather though. LOL.

mamasmercantile said...

Wonderful. Such a lovely array of scarves.

Ann Thompson said...

They are all so pretty.

FlashinScissors said...

It’s not too hot for scarves here, and I do love a good scarf!
You have a very lovely collection!
Barbara xx

Louca por porcelana said...

Love your gorgeous scarfs!Hugs!

Judith said...

We do indeed live in hope!

MaryAnne said...

Beautiful scarves! Living in hope here also.

Junkchiccottage said...

These are beautiful and cute. Great job. Happy Tuesday. xoxo Kris

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

It is still scarf weather here - even though it should be spring :)

Tania Pelletier said...

In the morning it's scarf weather here!!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, those scarves are lovely! And the short, sweet poem is perfect too! :)

The French Hutch said...

Oh so pretty! Sam here, a long time before scarf weather. I always enjoy your clever poems.......Happy Day!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, your scarves are delightful, Amalia. I love that one with the pink flowers. I don't wear scarves, but the girls love them. And yours are crocheted with love. Your posts are always comforting during this troubling time we're in. : )


Maya Kuzman said...

They are all beautiful!!

Carla from The River said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely and please ship the middle scarf to your friend Carla.
xx oo

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I wish it was scarf weather here! I did buy me and beautiful new scarf though and hoping soon to wear it. Maybe, fingers crossed. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jeanie said...

Those look so beautifully made, Amalia. Very pretty indeed.

I am dreading scarf weather. It means we will have to be inside and not see our friends or families.

VeggieMummy said...

Beautiful selection of scarves. It's not scarf weather just yet here, but it won't be long now. Stay cosy. xx

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such a lovely selection of scarves, Amalia. A cold front is supposed to come through our area. Maybe a scarf will make an appearance. xo

Conniecrafter said...

We are having very chilly evenings, you are ready from so beauties whenever it does get chilly!

Pisi Prkl said...

It´s certainly that time of the year in Nortern hemisphere.

Kinga K. said...

Pretty scarfs ❤

Kitchen Riffs said...

Not scarf weather here yet, but it's coming! And soon. :-) Looking forward to it!

All That I'm Eating said...

It's just turned scarf weather here, I haven't had to dig out any of my extra thick ones just yet!

Handmade in Israel said...

Definitely not scarf weather but you have a beautiful collection! I love the one with the pink crochet flowers.

Lowcarb team member said...

It was umbrella weather in the UK today :)

Lovely post and pictures.
Happy October Wishes.

All the best Jan

Diane said...

Very pretty colors and scarfs Amalia, our weather is just starting to get colder now.

Hugs Diane

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

So lovely Amalia. It is still hot here, but cooler temps are coming. Happy October. xo

Elena said...

Hi Amalia! To stay colorful in the cold! Kiss!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful handmade scarfs. Over here there is no need to wear scarfs because our weather is not that cold. I like your poem. Have a happy new week.

junieper/Jesh said...

How funny, in this we are alike Amalia. Am very choosy about scarves, and have been knitting them (and hope it will be a fashion item for some years!). Love the way you put it! Thanking you for sharing your beautiful and colorful scarves with All Seasons, here is another one who lives in hope, Jesh

creativejewishmom/sara said...

Good thing I read to the end as I was wondering how it could be scarf weather in your area? Not to make you jealous, but one could maybe put on a scarf at night! Come visit and bring scarves! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

It is the rare day that we can wear a scarf here in our part of Florida but I can dream...especially wearing a scarf as cute as the one with the crocheted pink flowers.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It's scarf weather here today. Cool and blustery. What a fun idea to have a new scarf every day. Love the one with the pink flowers and the one that looks like confetti angel food cake with all the sprinkles.

Hope your cooler weather comes soon....
Bye, Brenda xo

Jo said...

Scarves out here too. You have a lovely little selection. Happy days. Jo x

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Those scarfs are just gorgeous! I hope you get your wish with cool weather soon!

A casa con Manu said...

Ciao, ho dato una sbirciatina al tuo blog ed è molto interessante, i tuoi lavori sono davvero molto belli e ben realizzati, e per questo che da ora suno tua follower.
Le tue sciarpe sono adorabili!!! coloro bellissimi, complimenti <3
Se ti fa piacere questo è il mio blog

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Cute little poem!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to vist!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Ygraine said...

Oh these are SO beautiful...I would be so proud to be wearing any one of them!
They are gorgeous!😊😊
Love the little poem too, really made me smile.

Stay safe and happy, my friend!

Hugs xxx

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oh to wear a pretty scarf of yours!
Have a lovely weekend.
Wren x

Polly said...

Very pretty scarves Amalia. It's scarf weather here for me now, I'm wearing one when I walk the dogs, I love wearing them, they make me feel so cosy :-)

Mrs. Micawber said...

Lovely scarves! I like the flowers dancing over the crocheted one.

Becki said...

Your scarves are so pretty. I think I'd especially love wearing the one with the flowers. :)

Diana Studer said...

I would love the one scattered with pink flowers <3 you have such a gift for handcrafted treasure!

Pam Richardson said...

The scarves are so beautiful, Amalia. I would love to wear any one of them!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It will be scarf weather here soon and I would happily wear your beautiful ones!

Margie said...

What cute scarfs.

You'll be proud of my scarf collection: I have lighter scarves for spring or fall, as well as the heavier scarves for the looooong winter!

Angie said...

Amalia - the weather here has changed dramatically, and I would say scarf time has arrived. I hadn't really thought about it, but I will go take a look. Thank you! And thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Tom said... the temperatures drop a scarf is a comforting thing to have. Thanks for sharing these warm treasures!

Evi Erlinda said...

These scarves are so beautiful! Feeling cozy and comfy when they around the neck in this winter.

NCSue said...

These are beautiful! Nice work!
Thank you for sharing at

Powell River Books said...

I love the colours of the one in the middle. I don't wear scarves though, even though we do get cold weather. - Margy

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

It will be scarf weather briefly on Friday morning! I usually have friends over to the yard where we can sit apart and visit. It will be just above freezing and hope we’ll still meet! Love the soft pretty!

Kim said...

I suppose, if you had a scarf for every day you wouldn't have to wash them as much. Can one have too many scarves?? These three are lovely; each one so very different.

Lalka Crochetka said...

even if it is not yet scarf weather - you are ready for autumn chill when it comes :) scarfs are lovely :)

Veronica Lee said...

Wish we had scarf weather here. I would love to wear all those pretty scarves!

Happy Weds, Amalia!

abasozora said...

wow bagus banget ... anak anak suka ini hangat dipakai

ray said...

omg all of it is super cute.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

They are each one so beautiful! We don't ever wear scarves here in FL but I used to love to make them. Enjoy your week!

Klara said...

beautiful scarves.

Yvonne said...

this is so cute, and so many scarfs! Love the poem. It put a big smile on my face.

Sum of their Stories said...

Ha ha! That's brilliant! It's definitely scarf weather here in the UK now, but I'm afraid I don't wash them all that often and I definitely don't iron them!!!

betty-NZ said...

What lovely handiwork! I won't be needing one for a while as spring is just arriving :)

Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is greatly appreciated!!

Sherry's Pickings said...

how i love scarves! i have a huge collection. sadly the weather here in brisbane doesn't allow the wearing of them often but when i can - I do!

Ginx Craft said...

How nice to see your scarves. I think I may have to get mine out soon. Thanks for joining in Ginx Woolly Linx Party for October.

Anonymous said...

So cute post, Amalia! Your scarves and poem put a smile on my fave :)
My scarves wrinkle always, hahaha.
