Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Snail's Pace

A little snail
was feeling strange,
restless and bored
he needed a change.

He didn't at all
like the feel of gravel,
but still decided 
it was time to travel.

He thought he'd go big
and travel abroad,
in short - he decided
to cross the road.

The road was deserted
night about to fall,
the snail started crossing
at a leisurely stroll.

He enjoyed the quiet,
and the cool evening air,
the scent of wild flowers
that hung everywhere.

All was well
when suddenly, from afar,
he was sure that he heard
the sound of a car.

He'd dawdled too long
now it was morning,
and traffic appeared
without any warning.

Hurrying to cross
dodging an early commuter,
he was almost run over
by a guy on a scooter.

The snail finally crossed
and collapsed without breath,
thinking he'd avoided
a sad, painful death:

"I carry my home with me
and it sure is good luck,
cause one thing's for certain -
I'm not crossing back!"

Featured: at a snail's pace
I've finished the last scarf of winter.


Ann said...

Oh what an ordeal for that snail. Love the scarf, the colors are wonderful

Anna said...

Lovely scarf and words !!!
Have a nice day !

La Table De Nana said...

Good to have quiet moments too.Precious even..As your works:)

Sandy said...

Amalia...such talent with words and needles.

R's Rue said...


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like the ending...I'm not crossing back! I know the feeling! heehee! Love your beautiful scarf! Enjoy your day sweet friend!

VeggieMummy said...

Gorgeous scarf, I love the colours. Poor little snail, what a near miss! xx

Vee said...

Wonderful poem. I especially like the rhyme of “commuter” and “scooter.” ☺️

Benita said...

Love the poem and the gorgeous scarf!! So pretty! Love and hugs sweet friend!

Kim said...

Love the scarf colors. They are very pretty together. And of course your snail's tale in just darling. I could plan a whole lesson around it for kids. You have a wonderful way with words.

Gracie Saylor said...

Sweet Amalia,
It's lovely to see your fine scarf complete,
and your brave snail safe in retreat!
xx :-)

Junkchiccottage said...

Pretty scarf and great snail story.
Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

mamasmercantile said...

Such a beautiful scarf, love the colours.

Kim said...

Such a sweet snail. Such a sweet poem. Such a lovely scarf!

Jeanie said...

A sweet poem and a lovely snail scarf!

Maya Kuzman said...

Love the change of colors in the scarf! Beautiful!

The French Hutch said...

Oh I love, love, love your snail and his tale!!! Such talent Amaila........

Conniecrafter said...

Such a pretty scarf, and looks like you have a nice place to have a fire.
So glad to know the snail made it across and doesn't have to chance it again :)

Carla from The River said...

I love the colors you chose. Perfect :-)
And goodness, that snail, he best stay home sweet home and not travel anymore.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your Winter scarf is nice, Amalia, with pretty warm colors. And I always love the cloth dolls you make. They really make me smile. Cloth dolls are my favorite. I'm glad that snail made it safely crossing the road. ; )

Enjoy these May days.


Gloria Baker said...

Amalia what lovely work and colour and love the poem. HAve a nice weekend !

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I love the unique dolly, Amalia. I was worried about the little snail, engaging poem! xo

Louca por porcelana said...

What a charming scarf,I love the colors.Sweet poem too.Hugs!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I enjoyed the snail poem. So cute. Your scarf is lovely. Enjoy your day and weekend!

Lowcarb team member said...

I think your scarf looks lovely, great colours.

Such a nice poem.

All the best Jan

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You make me smile. What a cute poem about the snail - sure glad he made it to the other side. What a cozy scarf - love the colours.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Amalia.
Brenda xox

The Liberty Belle said...

Too cute! I like the scarf too. Wish I could make something as nice as that.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That third picture is really lovely and shows the scarf off nicely. Kudos for finishing. Even if it took awhile, at least you finished it and when cool weather returns, you'll be glad you did.

Ela said...

Your scarf is beautiful! I admire all your work!

Diane said...

Wonderful colors on your scarf Amalia. Your snail traveling poem is super cute.

Hugs diane

baili said...

Stunning scarf dear Amalia :)

God is great who blessed your hands and brain sooo CREATIVE and FERTILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the poem make hold my breath until the snail was succeeded to cross the road :)

what a heart warming poetry my friend!

no matter how slow he was but his determination and dedication worked for him along with his UNDEFEATED STEADINESS !

very inspirational!
hugs and many more blessings to you my very talented friend!

Handmade in Israel said...

Just wonderful! Thank you for making me smile yet again :)

Edit said...

I love the story of the snail, and I love your rhymes, Amalia!
The scarf and the doll are beautiful too. :-)
Have a happy week!

Sandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandra said...

I love the snail poem! xXx

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Love the sweet, soft dolly. Your talent for verse and crafting always impresses me <3

Kitchen Riffs said...

Very cute. Love the poem! Thanks.

Aritha V. said...

That is such a nice poem :-) We have snails in our garden. Not funny, they eat my sunflower leaves.

likeschocolate said...

Cute poem! We don't have very many snails here where I live in Georgia, but I am very familiar with them as there were plenty in Seattle where I lived long ago.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You created such a pretty scarf and I love those colors of it Amalia! Such a cute poem too. :)

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

Beautiful colors! Snail's pace feels like my projects these days too!

ELENA said...

Hi Amalia! good verse and scarf, handsome, abraços!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

The Little Snail That Could! Such a cute poem, Amalia, and I love that beautiful scarf! Hopefully, you won't need it for a long while :)

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Your handiwork and poetry always tickle me when I visit.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Amalia, Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

Zaza said...

It's really difficult to write a poem. You are the best, Amalia!
Your embroidery is so cute!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful scarf. I like the poem and I am glad it ended well with the snail safely on the other side of the road.

white and vintage said...

Hi Amalia,
I couldn't write such a poem. You are great!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
Nice greetings,

Pam Richardson said...

Beautiful scarf Amalia and such a sweet poem!

Margie said...

Cute scarf and poem! It would be neat if we can carry our homes with us.

Edisi Baru said...

Woow Very Beautiful i am likes this. Good job
Tank for sharing
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elah hadir..
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Pam said...

That is so pretty. I love the colors also.

Jo said...

A lovely poem. I still remember a poem about a snail which my mum used to tell me when I was a little girl.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Seriously if I come back in another life I want to be a snail - I'd never have to pack up again! Yippee what a great poem, love the scarf too!
Wren x

FlashinScissors said...

Phew! I don’t want snails in my garden, but even so, I’m glad to read your story’s hero made it across the road!
Love the tale, and your beautiful scarf ..... and, as always, love the embroidered doll!
Barbara xx

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Love the scarf and the poem!! so sweet!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!!

Tom said...

...I like those brown earth tones!

NCSue said...

Very lovely scarf.
Thanks for sharing with us at!

Powell River Books said...

Nice poem to go with your scarf accomplishment. - Margy


Interesantes trabajos de artesanía...tienen mucho mérito.


Jadieegosh said...

nice post! loved this

Jadieegosh   Instagram

betty-NZ said...

Lovely blanket and funny story!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Haha! Oh, how I've missed you, my friend! Your posts always make me smile, and it's always a delight to see what you're up to. Your sweet doll, and lovely scarf display your remarkable talent. As always. Hugs, Nancy

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

I just love your way of thinking and expressing words! Hope the scarf keeps you warm this winter :)

Junieper/Jesh said...

Love the colors you used! And there is grace for the snail pace, when it's so beautiful:) You are a lot less on your blog the last year ... more responsibilities? Anyways, love each time you share with All Seasons! Have a great week:)

Luciana F. Damiano said...

Sou apaixonada por bordado livre... e seu cachecol ficou lindo, adorei a cor, parabéns!

Trini Altea said...

Precioso poema

DeniseinVA said...

I enjoyed your lovely poem and also what was in the three photos. Thanks Amalia for sharing these and for stopping by my blog to make a comment.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Pshew! I'm very glad the snail make it safely across the road.

Jeanna said...

I love the new blanket and I think you've got plenty of other fans too. That poem is sooo good and true, I identify with the snail right now.

Anonymous said...

I was so moved, Amalia!!
I slowly speak, write, and eat, so his adventure is like me!!
Your muffler and doll are super cute<3


Anonymous said...

Приятные слова и фото.

Anna said...

A very cozy scarf! And it takes as long as it takes. It's not homework! Anna x

Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm said...

and your scarf is BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors and need to start on some yarn I bought in Scotland. I've yet to decide on scarf or shawl...leaning toward shawl.

Dewena said...

Some times it just does not pay to be adventurous! I'd never thought about it before reading your poem of the traveling snail but I suppose the popularity of RV living today is much like the snail, carrying their home on their back.

Ginx Craft said...

What a lovely scarf and poem. Thanks for joining in Ginx Woolly Linx party for June.

Thimbleanna said...

Another fun poem -- and a beautiful scarf to go with it!