Sunday, June 11, 2017

Poor Little Bear

The little bear
was proud of his fur,
it was brown and sleek
and, really, quite chic.

But with the summer's sun
a fur is not much fun,
and hot enough for two -
Oh, what is a bear to do?

This photo was taken in
a lovely new place for coffee.
I'll show you more!


Isabel said...

A very beautiful place and a loving teddy bear.

Have a nice day, Amalia.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

That's a very sweet bear, Amalia! For me it's too hot even without having a fur, lol.
Have a lovely week!
xo Julia

Jodiebodie said...

I wonder if his brown fur was coffee-coloured (camouflage in a coffee shop) and wonder if he is now a creme caramel bear after being shorn for the summer. ;-)

Jodiebodie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosie said...

What a sweet little bear I hope he doesn't get too hot whilst waiting for his coffee:)

ELENA said...

Hello! Very sweet bear! ♡

Olga Poltava said...

How sweet!

magnoliasntea said...

Love the teaser! Now, I'm wondering what kind of makeover you are planning for Poor Little Bear..

Ann Thompson said...

Cute bear. I would hate the fur in the heat though 😀

Kim said...

oooops......Sweet little bear. Perhaps a long, cool glass of lemonade in your lovely new coffee place would cool him down. =)

Meredith said...

So sweet.

MaryAnne said...

What a fun little poem! I look forward to more photos of this cute place.

Blondie's Journal said...

How very sweet! I often feel for my pups in this heat...if only they could leave their fur behind sometimes!

Jane x

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Looking forward to seeing more. The little bear looks comfy in his special spot.

Haak en Pen said...

Poot little bear, but hè looks comfortable , lovely corner

Patricia said...

What a cute little bear - did you make him? I made quite a few back in the day, quite fun to do. Love your little poems too. xo

mamasmercantile said...

Looking forward to seeing more. Such a lovely bear.

Rhodesia said...

Wish I still had my bears and I also had two pandas. With all the house and country moving somehow they disappeared :-(( Have a good week Diane

handmade by amalia said...

No, there he was on the rug in the coffee shop. But I did pick him up :-)

handmade by amalia said...

But at least they get to wag their tails for a little breeze
if they have the energy, that is :-)

La Table De Nana said...

Hi Bear!♥

Tanna said...

Looks like a spot I'd love to enjoy a cup of coffee and some knitting. ;) blessings ~ tanna

Maya Kuzman said...

Your new coffee place sounds intriguing :)

Tricia Buice said...

I can't wait to see more! Lovely little poem enjoyed with my morning coffee :)

Handmade in Israel said...

So delightful - as always. Can't wait to see more of the coffee place!

Luciana F. Damiano said...

How cute this teddy bear .... seems to be a beautiful place, very cozy, for sure!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

So cute, Amalia! Looks like a great place to enjoy with friends and bears. xo ♥

Lowcarb team member said...

Your new coffee stop sounds very interesting, looking forward to seeing more.
Such a sweet bear too.

All the best Jan

Carla from The River said...

I want to squeeze that bear. So sweet. He can come live with me, Wisconsin can get very chilly. ;-)

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Your poor little bear and my sweet Annie-girl dog would be crying together, I think... the heat is no fun with fur! Where is the snow, my Annie-girl says to me with groans and moans, lol! I like your new coffee spot, it looks very relaxing and comfy :)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, poor bear, but he does look comfy in his pretty chair! xx Karen

handmade by amalia said...

If he were mine I would ship him over right now, Carla. I'm confident that you run a bear-friendly household. But, alas, he stayed behind in the coffee shop.

Daniela said...

Poor darling little bear, but I'm sure he feels much more comfortable without fur during the hot of the Summer, doesn't he ?

Thanking you so, so much for delighting always my heart, Sweetest Amalia,
I'm sending my dearest love to you


The French Hutch said...

The adorable little bear is right, to hot for fur, and I like the words that are so true! Hot and humid here, in the 90's already. Happy day........

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

What a lovely bear with such a friendly face xx

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet little fellow :)

Gracie Saylor said...

Dear Amalia,
It is delightful to know that you
rescued Coffee Shop Bear, too,
who may be fuzz less,
but much loved, I guess,
like my mom's Hezekiah Bear,
hug-plucked, fur bare! 🤗

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Sweet, sweet little bear! He looks like he needs a hug!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Why Amalia the answer's simple... you write a poem about him becoming a polar bear for the summer to cool off, swimming next to a big ice berg! :)
Happy days, have fun!
Wren x

Anonymous said...

It's probably an American thing, but I have a collection of bears, even a green one that I adopted as my Christmas bear:) Yes, would like to see more of your coffee place:)

betty-NZ said...

What a cutie! I bet he's given out a lot of hugs in his lifetime :)

handmade by amalia said...

If I could, I would write myself to the North Pole, icebergs sound very good to me just about now :-)

handmade by amalia said...

This poem you have penned
is adorable, my friend!
I love it no end
and a big kiss do send.

Kim said...

Ah, a sweet bear and a mystery spot. I am intrigued!

Conniecrafter said...

Oh he is cute and looks much loved.... I do agree it is way too hot for fur right now or much of anything. He looks like he has found a very nice home to relax :)

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

So sweet!
Looking forward to seeing more of this sweet bear!

Anna said...

Soooooooooooo cute !!!

Gumbo Lily said...

He is a rather bare bear!

Debby Ray said...

What a darling little bear...and how absolutely homey that coffee shop looks! I can only imagine how terrible it would be to be covered with fur in the hot summer! Now....about that fan on the cloud...hmmmmm:D Sweet post!

VeggieMummy said...

Poor little bear! Perhaps a short spell in the fridge to cool him down?! Your nephew (and his blanket!) are super cute and I really envy your trip to France. xx

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I am having my coffee now, it would be nice to join you and the bear. Cute bear, stay cool! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Vee said...

He's the coffee shop's mascot? He is very cute and must charm child and adult alike. Waiting for more about this shop that has you singing its praises.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That stuffed bear is so cute and I love the poem. Thanks for sharing at C&C with J&J.
Enjoy the weekend.
Julie xo

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Such a cutie! And a place for coffee is always a good thing!

Enara Girl said...

Very cute! Where are you from Amalia?

Ela said...

Oh, so sweet :) Lovely post, dear Amalia !!
Happy weekend !

white and vintage said...

I like such cute bears :). Lovely poem.

Jean | said...

Sweet! I feel his pain - every summer I want to shave my head! :D

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such a cute bear. I do feel his pain. I worry about our little doggies during the summer months.

Nancy Chan said...

Cute little bear! I feel sorry for him because I am feeling very uncomfortable in these hot days.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Dear Little Bear, I don't like the heat either! :)

Diane said...

Super cute little bear and poem Amalia.

Hugs Diane

handmade by amalia said...

Ice coffee with extra ice :-)

handmade by amalia said...

I'm sure they found good homes, who wouldn't love a panda?

handmade by amalia said...

I suggested the fridge! But he took offense, thinking it was a time-out, especially as there was no honey to be found there, so we settled for a chair near the fan :-)

handmade by amalia said...

More like a stray from the play corner, I'm afraid :-(

Annas Nadelbuch said...

Oh dear sweet bear, such a fur in the summer is very uncomfortable. Think of the cold winter!
As always a wonderful poem !

Kasztanowy Domek said...

Great poem and lovely bear!

Happy sunday!


HWIT BLOGG said...

Love from Titti

baili said...

a very sweet and lovely poem from your beautiful heart dear Amalia !!!

it is so true that the fur which is cozy and dear during winters is hard to bear in summers yet my sympathy is with little cute bear as without fur he is looking miserable..

FlashinScissors said...

Poor little bear, that can't be too nice.
Fetch him some water and a bucket of ice.
Sit him right down somewhere that's cool,
perhaps in the trees by a nice shady pool!

I look forward to seeing your place for good coffee!

Barbara x

Jeanna said...

Lol, not fur is not fun in the summer sun. Love it, very cute and soooo true.

Carol @ The Red Painted Cottage said...

So adorable!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Poor guy. Maybe being in such a lovely place helps...

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Awww, this bear reminds me of my childhood teddy. What a nice spot to sip on a cup of tea!

Margie said...

Cute bear! I always chop off my hair in the summer time so I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to endure the heat while covered in fur.

DeniseinVA said...

A very pretty image Amalia and I love the little bear.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, you found a new coffee shop! I love when that happens, especially as I'm a coffee lover. Your little brown bear is so cute, Amalia. My mom used to collect teddy bears, and when she passed away, we each got to take one of her bears to keep forever. : )

I hope you are having fun June days.


A Joyful Cottage said...

It looks like a very homey place for coffee. Almost like a corner of your home. Little Bear actually looks quite content. Iced coffee for him perhaps? :) xo

marmarel said...

Very lovely! That must be a great coffee shop!
Greetings from Marijke

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

A sweet looking little bear!

September Violets said...

Poor bear indeed! This reminds me of an old childhood rhyme ... Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy was he?! ha ha

Decor To Adore said...

Ah but how wonderful this sweet bear was so well loved. Truly someones favorite. Have a gorgeous day dear one!

Aritha V. said...

Love your bear an small poem. Cute!

Quilting Stories said...

Sweet sweet sweet... the bear, the flower cushion (I have the same fabric), the lace, the vintage armchair and of course the poem!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I would love to visit with Teddy, especially since he lives in a coffee shop .......he will need an iced coffee in this hot weather ))

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you for this gift, Barbara, it is precious.
A big kiss.

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem and photo, Amalia!
I would love to take Teddy to Australia because it is winter now!
The new place looks so comfortable :)


Anu - My Ginger Garlic Kitchen said...

Oh, poor sweet little bear, I feel for you! Beautiful poem, Amalia. :)

Suzan said...

Adorable Bear!!! Sweet Poem!!!
Hope you're having a great June!!!

Blogoratti said...

Hot in every sense of the way, this weather. Great writing and a delight to read, the photo is apt too. Greetings!

Pam said...

Lovely picture! And I love the poem!

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Amazing bear! Thanks for sharing! 👌👌👌

Retro blue said...

Does he likes coffe?;)
So lovely post:)
Greetings from hot Alsace:)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Ha, ha, too cute!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

handmade by amalia said...

Take me! Take me!

Prunella Pepperpot said...

A beautiful post with a very handsome old bear. Thank you for sharing :)

Draffin Bears said...

Love the very sweet old bear

Anonymous said...

This post is much helpful for us.thank you..

gclub online

Polly said...

Sorry this is late Amalia but this little bear reminded me of a much loved bear I had when I was a little girl. It was given to me by an auntie when my cousins no longer played with it. It had started to lose a little bit of fur but it was still a lovely bear. I kept it long after I used to play with it and then my eldest daughter loved it, and by the time my second daughter arrived dear little bear had lost all his fur and most of his stuffing. Your little bear has a lovely face :-) xx

Keri said...

Oh what a sweet bear and lovely poem to match! I hope you enjoyed your coffee Amalia!