Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sew a Softie - the Hanukkah edition


Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is one of my favorite holidays.
Not only does it have an epic battle as its historical setting,
with out brave Maccabees rising against the might of Ancient Greece,
but there is magic involved -
when the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple they found
only a tiny amount of pure oil to light the Menorah
but this lasted for eight full days 
until more oil could be produced.

With my niece Dana, we are joining Trixi's Sew a Softie.
Our contribution is a board game that follows fours softie friends
as they try to save Hanukkah by bringing a box of matches to the Temple.

Four tiny friends
are going on a quest
with fear in their hearts 
they will still do their best.

The Temple is dark
as black as the night,
and matches are needed
for the oil to light.

Leading them on
is the little Dreidel,
an unlikely hero
he's been cheerful since cradle.

Next is the Candle
so orange and bright,
he'll play a big role
in the lighting of light.

The Oil Can that's coming
is not very grand,
but if more oil is needed
he will lend a hand.

And our sweet sugared Donut
is right at the back -
you can't go adventuring
without any snack.

The perils are many
but come what may -
our four little friends
must all win the day.


Le crocette di Mariuccia said...

Very sweet post! Big Hug, Mariuccia

Ann said...

Your little softies are so cute and the board game looks like fun.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Really adorable how you make the softies to match the drawings. Fun to use with the handmade game, too.

Maya Kuzman said...

Well, this is an excellent idea! I can imagine all the fun going on at that table!

magnoliasntea said...

Lovely post, Amalia. The softies are perfect, and what a fun way to teach the children. Thank you for sharing!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

The board game looks lovely!
Did you compose the rhymes? There's a magical feeling in them. :)

Vee said...

Amalia, you are so creative! I am quite convinced that this game is a great blessing and teaches so much. The game pieces/softies are darling! (I see that Hannukah and Christmas are very close this year. I like that we will all be celebrating!) And, btw, I want to play!

La Table De Nana said...

A refreshing sweet everything Amalia..:) I have made little felt things..aboyt 35 years ago,that velcroed onto a felt tree as an advent calendar..patience and love.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

You're so gifted Amelia. I love that poem!


Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

You are so creative, Amalia, and your nieces and nephews must love going to Auntie's house to play! The homemade game is so charming as are the softies you made to go along with it. And of course, no post is complete without your clever poetry!


How fun ! You are such a talented lady Amelia, I'd love to have done this when my daughters were small, but I just sewed dresses for them and baked, that was the best part. I still do for C'mas with my grandgirls now.
Merry C'mas my friend.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love how you've taken these simple drawings and turned them into softies for this special occasion. I want to play the game with you.

Wishing you a special Hannukah.


Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

The softies are adorable and I loved reading the story behind Hanukkah that I had forgotten about.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Love your little softies!
Happy Hannukah Amalia.

Nina said...

Such a wonderful way to celebrate Hannukah! So creative to sew these cute selfies, the fellowship around the game looks lovely and so cozy!
Happy Hannukah Amalia!

Beth said...

I love the board game - so sweet, and a lovely way to spend time together!

Gumbo Lily said...

You are such a smart girl! I love your idea of Hanukah softies and a game to go with them. What fa fun way to celebrate. Wishing you Happy Hanukah, Amelia.

Jeanna said...

You made those? Nicely done and so perfect for Hanukkah.

Carla from The River said...

What a fun and creative idea. You make things so special...that is making special memories with your family.
xx oo

Stephanie said...

You are so creative and original, dear Amalia. I agree with Carla, you make everything special :)

Hugs to you!

Lorrie said...

This is delightful, Amalia. What fun you must have had creating your game. Happy Hanukkah to you! I love the story of the Festival of Lights and the oil sufficient to burn for so long in the Temple.

Marta @ What should I eat for breakfast today said...

This is such a sweet idea.

Luciana F. Damiano said...

Muito legal!!!

Preeti said...

Cute softies and a great idea to use as part of a game!

Conniecrafter said...

love the little softies made for this sweet game, how neat to bring the story to a game like this! So very creative as is your story that went along with it!

Kim said...

Is there no end to your creative talent? This is a lovely way to celebrate the holiday...and cute, too!! ;)

The French Hutch said...

I enjoyed hearing your historical tidbit. Softies are a good idea and I loved your poem. I used my imagination and set your words to all the memories I have of tours of ancient castles I've been lucky to have toured. Made for a great daydream, thank you. Great fun for the Kidos..............

Anonymous said...

You made your own game? Because that would be something you would do:):) What is dreidel? This looks like fun! Have a happy Hanukkah:):) By the way do you know Lisa Isaacs (her blog is called "Handmade in Israel," and usually shows a card she makes - this week she is on the first row for ALL SEASONS) - Thank you so much for sharing the fun with all of us!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh what a joy, an absolute joy.
I so enjoyed this post both your photo's and words.

All the best Jan

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Darling post, Amalia! Love the photo of the family playing the game ♥ A very Happy Hannukkah to you, Dear. xo

The House with the Blue Door said...

What a great idea - I love the little charcaters! Hope you're enjoying your holidays.
Cathy x

FlashinScissors said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful game, and the softies you made, with us! You are so clever ... such a thought provoking post.
I love seeing your photos and reading your poems!
Hugs, Barbara xx

Elisa said...

Lovely post, Amalia. I love the board game idea!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Very charming! (The rhymes and the board!)

Unknown said...

You and Dana are amazing!!! I love your softies and I love how you made the four softie friends part of a board game You're n awesome team and so thrilled to have you both join in the Sew a Softie crew!!

Lara B. said...

You are so inventive Amalia. The board game looks like lots of fun and I love the little softie playing pieces. Your poems even made it into the game. :)

betty-NZ said...

What fun and great way to learn a bit of history! Thanks for the information.

Unknown said...

These cuties make me smile. It was good the learn the history and I loved the poem you wrote to introduce the characters.

Anu - My Ginger Garlic Kitchen said...

Wow! This is such a fun away to learn history! I wish I would have known this in my childhood. Thanks for this lovely share.

Margie said...

Too cute! Happy Hannukkah, Amalia!

Keri said...

Amalia, this looks like a lot of fun! How creative! Happy Hanukkah to you!!

chateau chic said...

The miracle of Hanukkah is such a great celebration to share with family.
Mary Alice

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That looks like so much fun and have a happy Hanukkah Amalia. :)

Handmade in Israel said...

This is so wonderful! I want to play that game with you :)

Tricia Buice said...

Very sweet - what a wonderful, beautiful game. Happy Hanukkah to you and your family.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

So sweet! I love the board game and all the characters are adorable.

Debby Ray said...

What a darling homemade game board, Amalia! Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Very clever and creative way to teach and have fun at the same time. I'm sure everyone enjoyed playing the game. Love the poetry, too. Happy Hanukkah, sweet Amalia! xo

Benita said...

What a great way to celebrate the holiday! I love that little game! Love and hugs!

September Violets said...

A rhyming board game with lots of suspense! Great idea :)

baili said...

you amaze me with your talent always dear !
this is interesting .
you all look fabulous .
loved the very beautiful poem that says LOT about life in a ver easy and simple way .thank you for sharing

Enara Girl said...

Very cute, inspiring and motivating for children. xoxo

Anonymous said...

What a cute board game and sweet poem!
I would love to have a Hanukkah donut :))


eileeninmd said...

Hello, Amalia! Happy Hanukkah to you and your family! The game, dreidel and the pretty lights are a fun time for the family. You are talented. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

ZazaCook said...

What a beautiful board game and a lovely poem! Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Happy Hanukkah, to you Amalia and your family. You created a really cute poem, game, and pieces to go along with it. xoxo Su

handmade by amalia said...

Thanks for inviting us to take part, Trixi! We had a lot of fun with it.

handmade by amalia said...

We ended up making two boards, one in English and one in Hebrew. You are welcome to both, Lisa!

handmade by amalia said...

I do know Lisa. She is a true artist and her cards are so unique.

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

The memories you are creating will be treasured!!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! :)

All through his high school years, my oldest son dated a Jewish girl and we had the best of both worlds for years. We celebrated Hanukkah with her family and they came to us for Christmas. She loved to work with the deaf and showed us "Silent Night" in sign language. It was a lesson in the community of all religions / worship of the One that we shared, I'll never forget

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love this, are so creative and so wonderful about sharing your creativity with the children. I'll bet they love crafting with you!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Amalia, This is beautiful and so creative. Looks like so much fun for the kids to craft and enjoy. You are making special memories. Thank you for sharing. Sending hugs your way!

handmade by amalia said...

How lovely, Deb. We celebrate a Holiday of Holidays here in city every December, a coming together of all religions and a very good party.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a great craft for the kids to do!! Thanks so much for visiting!!

Rosie said...

How wonderful and great fun too! Wishing you a happy Hanukkah:)

Nancy Chan said...

You are always with great ideas and your handcrafts are so pretty! Having fun playing board games and using your softie is really fun!

Diane said...

What a creative idea Amalia, wishing you the best of the year and happy Hanukkah.

Hugs diane

Jess said...

SO CUTE! :) Happy Hanukkah! :)

I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

She loves to crochet said...

How clever, I think you must be the favourite auntie. Happy Hanukkah. Hx

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Hi Amalia, oh this post is so special, love that you made your own board game with a beautiful poem and softies to go with it. You really are talented.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such a lovely board game and from the heart. Loving your creations and of course your poems. Happy holidays to you.

Magia da Inês said...

☆ه° ·.
Trabalho criativo e alegre.

Bom fim de semana!


Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

So much fun to have a homemade board game and the wonderful softies! I'm sure this will become a Hanukkah tradition!

Quilting Stories said...

So wonderful and poetic! I admire your creativity and the cheerful atmosphere you spread around you.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Lovely, just lovely...
Winterhug from Titti

TLady said...

HOW VERY CREATIVE!!! I LOOOOOVE THIS! I also LOVE the background of your game! God is SO GOOD to his people! He is EVER FAITHFUL!!! ;) I'm SURE EVERYONE ENJOYED this game too! ;)THANK YOU for coming over to visit! You're TOO SWEET! ;)MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU & YOURS AMALIA, this Hanukkah!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How sweet! Sew a softie...I may do that tomorrow! Enjoy your week sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Your little softies are adorable! Looks like everyone is enjoying the game! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Hanukkah, Amalia!

Burlap Luxe said...

You my dear have a very best Hanukkah, as for your soft little treasures you always come up with the coolest things to charm anyone with. Your poem and board game is the best. I love when others inspire being creative with their family.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a wonderful way to help your family celebrate such a special tradition, to make your very own game with the softies! I loved the pictures of them playing the game, such a special auntie you are :)

Handmade in Israel said...

How sweet - thank you for the thought!

Little Wandering Wren said...

How utterly adorable, I love the way you are able to make everything come to life - what fun!
Wren x

VeggieMummy said...

Fantastic game and adorable softies. Your sleepover looked great fun too. xx

Kasztanowy Domek said...

Sweet game! Have a nice day!:)


Marleen said...

The felt items look really lovely, and thank you for the poem!

Anna said...

Hours of fun! Very clever Amalia! Anna x

EricaSta said...

Thank you for your lovely comment! 😊

The softies are funny, the play is greatful. Wish you from the heart a wonderful time.

Kim said...

Oh how I love this post, Amalia. Your little felt softies from the drawings, as ever, are amazing and your poem....just magic!

roughterrain crane said...

A happy memory in childhood is able to conquer everything even after they have grown up.

RachelD said...

What a charming, uplifting way to start my morning this iron-cold day!! And what a loving scene that is, with the children gathered to play the timeless game with the small works of your own hands. Those charming, timeless little game-pieces represent such history and such a rich, long story, and what a sweet way to remember and pass the tradition. Such memories you're making, for them and for the generations to come.

Thank you for visiting LAWN TEA all this year---just seeing your name pop up makes me smile, and I'm so glad we met.

Sometimes, when I've read your post, I go to my cabinet and inhale the scent of the hyssop and the sumak sent to me several years ago by a dear online friend in Ashkelon. She is a Master Chocolatier, and does the most exquisite confections.

Many many good wishes to you and all yours in this most wonderful season for both our families.


Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Now Hanukkah (and Christmas) starts to be so near that I can wish you: Happy Hanukkah! :)

Borgmästaren said...

Such a nice idea to make a boardgame! This idea could be made in numerous varieties! You could custom it to your own family (if you have a younger brother move up to the next row). Although my ability to rhyme is limited, but I am sure you could find a suitable rhyme in no time!

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Love it.

handmade by amalia said...

This is a wonderful idea! I have to try it.

And the rhyme
in no time
does chime
and is sublime!

Red Rose Alley said...

I've actually heard the story of the 'Maccabees' on a television show I was watching one time. It looks like they are all having fun playing the board game. :)


Gracie Saylor said...

Today I received a box from a dear friend who is a Messianic Jew and who lives in upstate NY where I used to live. She sent us a dreidel, a mini menorah that uses birthday candles, some Jewish stickers, a Jewish calendar that is very instructive and a box of locally made chocolates. We are so excited! Now reading this post, I want to share it with my grand girlies and daughters...maybe we can play your game...or make some neat softies like you have...or at the very least we can admire yours! Thanks for sharing, and Happy Hanukkah, Amalia. xx

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Just loved this post!! :) When my oldest was in high school for two years the love of his life was a Jewish girl and we celebrated Hannukah with her family and they came to my place for Xmas. Talli was interested in sign language and learned it, helped a few deaf children and one of her favorite songs was Silent Night which she signed for us at Xmas. Truly a blended family time back then and it was wonderful. I still miss those crispy potato pancakes that her mama matter what I did I could never make them as well :)

MaryAnne said...

I love those little felt place markers.

Toni said...

Hope you had a lovely holiday! I love the little felt pieces. :)

Anu - My Ginger Garlic Kitchen said...

Creating your own game is so fun Happy Hanukkah to you, Amalia. Love the story of the Festival of Lights.

Anonymous said...

I love those little felt place markers.
