Saturday, January 23, 2016

On Market Day


If you like spices in your coffee
dishes made the old way,
fresh veg and olives -
go to the Wadi's market day.

Featured: a morning walk 
in the Wadi Nisnas market


Annas Nadelbuch said...

Dear Amalia,
wow, fresh fruits from the market what a beautiful sight. Here it is very cold, I'm looking forward to the spring time. Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy weekend !

mamasmercantile said...

What a truly beautiful sight, all those stunning fruits and spices. A real feast for the eyes.

KC'sCourt! said...

Lovely! I love markets.
Julie xxxxx

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

What wonderful photos, having just come back from taking my mum to a local market I wished I could have visited this one instead x

Lowcarb team member said...

Wow Oh Wow !!!

What lovely vegetables,
What lovely photo's,
What a lovely post,

Have a lovely weekend

All the best Jan

Meredith said...

Those are gorgeous photos my friend.

NADINE said...

WOW ! This is SO mouth watering ! I could eat e-ve-ry-thing :)) Love, love markets. When we are in Provence, I don't miss any of them... and yours looks so welcoming, too. THANKS for those lovely pictures, in the middle of our local cold winter.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

My dream is to live in a small village where we can walk to a farmer's market to buy what we aren't able to grow, so your pictures make me long even more for that dream. Thank you for sharing this wonderful place.

La Table De Nana said...

A feast fr the eys Amalia..I would love to I want to make ma'amouls:)The lined up pots are fantastic!

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Amalia, I like your market day. Thank you for showing all the interesting items sold at the market. I always tend to buy more than I need whenever I go to the market.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Very beautiful and colorful market with the winding streets. The stone church is interesting as well. Are those eggplants with holes in them? Are all the different grains lentils? xoxo Su

Maya Kuzman said...

Lovely shots Amalia! Farmer's market can be so colorful and attractive and my mouth watered just by looking at its offer :)

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Incredible pictures... unique details shared... as always Amalia, you seek to please :) I was amazed all the varieties of fruit/veggies and some I've never seen or heard of.. and the beautiful plates of food! Spice in coffee? What spices would that be? What a delight... thank you for sharing this beautiful market with me today... a feast for the eyes indeed!

Kim said...

We are buried in snow today, can't leave the house...but...if in my dreams, I am right there, grabbing a big cookie, taking in all the lovely sights and smells! Thanks for the trip today. I'm a little warmer already!

She loves to crochet said...

I love visiting markets to see all the different foods, thanks for sharing these pics. I use cardamom and chilli in coffee and hot chocolate, what spices do you use? Hx

Kim said...

Gorgeous photos, Amalia! What a feast for the eyes to take a walk through your Wadi's market. Such colour...such variety of delicious foods. The aromas that would radiate from each stall would be intoxicating. I wouldn't mind trying some of that yummy cuisine. Indeed, my tummy's rumbling! =)

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Hi Amalia, what gorgeous pics of the market, I would love to take a nice stroll through there.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Lovely pictures! I almost felt the warmth of the sun on my cheeks!

Gumbo Lily said...

Is the church in the first photo still going? The windows look boarded up.
Oh my, the food! The OLIVES! Are those chestnuts over the fire? The baked goods!!
I so want to taste every little thing and smell every little thing! Thank you.

The French Hutch said...

Oh how I would love to visit the market! Thank you for sharing this lovely pics………...

handmade by amalia said...

Yes, they sell both eggplants and courgettes already hollowed so that you can make a dish of stuffed vegetables without too much work. My favorite veg to stuff is pepper but it is already hollow :-) And yes to the lentils.

handmade by amalia said...

The coffee has cardamom in it. Traditionally cardamom has healing properties but it also makes the coffee extra yummy and strong, Thanks for the lovely comment! And a hug.

handmade by amalia said...

The church was indeed closed. The chestnuts were indeed roasting. The man selling the chestnuts was also roasting yums, a first for me, and they were just as good.
Thank you for the lovely message. And a hug.

Unknown said...

What an amazing looking market...I wish we had a fresh food market here!

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Wonderful lovely to have such an amazing place to shop!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos and so much delicious looking food & produce!

Amy at love made my home said...

What an amazing market! So many amazing things to eat and see! xx

Magia da Inês said...

Muito bom ir a uma feira dessas, há tanta variedade de produtos orgânicos e pratos típicos.

Bom domingo! Boa semana!
❤ه° ·.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I'd love to stroll through that market! I'd have to have you with me though to tell me what everything is!!

Linda Nelson said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Amalia. By doing so, it gave me the opportunity to find your blog, and I absolutely love it! It is curious, poetic and your photographs are captivating. I look forward to enjoying more of your posts.

DD's Cottage said...

Your pictures make me want to cook and eat! so pretty and refreshing!

Dewena said...

I would love to visit Wadi Nisnas on market day! And where is Wadi Nisnas? I must google it. Your market strolls are always full of variety, so many textures and colors, and then that shot of the marvelous well used and well cared for pots all lined up!

Lovely! And exotic, even the roasted chestnuts, which I'm ashamed to say I've never tasted.

Toni said...

Oh, it all looks so amazing!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Amalia, your market is beautiful!!! I just love outdoor markets. Ours only operate in summer. Lovely photos of an amazing place! xo ♥

Ela said...

Amalia, this market is wonderful! I would like to walk around the market and buy fresh vegetables !!

a writing place said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog!

What a delightful walk, you took us on, here. Thank you. I am so grateful for seeing places, which I myself will never see.

Isn't the Blog World wonderful?

Gentle hugs,
Upper NE of US

a writing place said...

Oh and how interesting... The eggplants and other veggies, are sold, scooped out. Which is different from how they are sold here. Here, they are sold whole.

Different ways, in different areas of the world! :-)

Again thank you.

Gentle hugs,
Upper North East of the United States

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I love open air markets and this one looks wonderful, Amalia! Very picturesque area too.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Ahhh, if only I could! Everything looks delectable!

chateau chic said...

What a beautiful market! If only we had markets like that where I live.
Mary Alice

Carla from The River said...

I love, love markets. I enjoy tagging along with you. :-))
I found it interesting the Eggplant have been cut open. Why do they do that?

I love your blog...thank you for always make me smile!

Keri said...

Amalia, these are beautiful pictures! It makes me wish I were there to walk around the marketplace. The church is beautiful!

handmade by amalia said...

Wouldn't that be fun?

handmade by amalia said...

The Wadi is in downtown Haifa, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. The tiny shop that has the pots is right at the center of the market and sells home cooked dishes, mostly vegetables in season. You can take them home or eat there. The lady who owns the shop told me that she'd been there for 57 (!) years.

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you, Carla. What a smashing comment. It is very popular around here to make a dish of stuffed vegetables. You can buy small eggplants and courgettes already hollowed and ready to be stuffed. Or you can buy them whole, of course.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, market day looks like a fun time. I would enjoy going there. Great collection of photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Beauty Follower said...

Nice photos!
Love visiting open market, even if I want buy anything ;)

Unknown said...

Wow I am not sure what country this is but it looks totally gorgeous, love the streets the produce layouts I can just imagine the hustle and bustle and friendly chatter. It looks beautiful, dee x

Lara B. said...

That looks like a wonderful way to spend a morning Amalia. Beautiful photos!

Conniecrafter said...

Beautiful walk that must be and all the smells must be wonderful, I love the tiling on that one picture! Have a wonderful week!

VeggieMummy said...

What a fantastic looking market and pre-hollowed veggies for stuffing too - what a great idea. Have a happy week. xx

VeggieMummy said...

What a fantastic looking market and pre-hollowed veggies for stuffing too - what a great idea. Have a happy week. xx

Anonymous said...


Red Rose Alley said...

You always have the most interesting pictures, Amalia. Oh, how I love market days. This one looks fantastic! The foods look Yummy. :)


Ana Love Craft said...

Beautiful market! I walked with you :) Here in Portugal we have similar vegetables especially lots of olives and chestnut. Thank you for sharing this interesting post with amazing photos.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft

Tricia Buice said...

Wow great shots - that market looks wonderful! You have such a great eye :)

Vee said...

Oh beautiful pictures and my very favorite is the second with that view of the street and all those gorgeous blues.

Vee said...

Oh beautiful pictures and my very favorite is the second with that view of the street and all those gorgeous blues.

TexWisGirl said...

neat market! i like that rock church, too!

Art and Sand said...

When we lived in Jamaica, we shopped at the open market. I loved the colorful stalls and the variety of items being sold.

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

I want to go to your market! It looks lovely!

Stephanie said...

Everything looks so fresh and tasty :) And those cookies...yum! Hugs to you!

handmade by amalia said...

Thank you, Ana. I think that there are a lot of similarities between our countries, what with the climate and the sea. I do hope to visit Portugal one day soon, it is at the top of my list :-)

Daniela said...

I love markets, but this is the most cheerful and wonderful I've ever seen, my darling Amalia, thank you for sharing these so lovely images with us !
Sending blessings on your day
with love

magnoliasntea said...

Such beautiful photos! They are excellent. Thank you for sharing.
Have a wonderful week!

Anna said...

Beautiful and yummy !!!!
Have a nice day !

Helen Philipps said...

A gorgeous post, Amalia! Love all your colourful photos and the little rhyme :)
Thank you too for your kind and thoughtful comments to me recently x
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Helen xox

EG CameraGirl said...

These photos make me feel like I am almost there!

September Violets said...

Ahhhh! These photos are such a feast! The market as seen through your lens is like being there with you as you point out the special things to a friend. Love the battered pot of chestnuts roasting over the hot coals, the sacks of grains, the cabbages that look like a painting, the rows of cooking pots their lids raised as they chat together ... all captured beautifully. And then a fun "rhymalia" to wrap it up ;)
Wendy x

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Through your eyes, the market looks like a fine art show, Amalia. The colors of the food and the bright blue skies make me long for summer. Thank you for sharing your photos with us!

Enara Girl said...

Very nice pictures, I feel hungry. xoxo

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh I just love these pictures; we enjoy shopping at Farmer's Markets. Yours looks like one of the best ones ever. Wish I could visit.

Rue said...

I wish I could! Everything looks so good and I was already hungry lol Beautiful photos as always, my friend.


Tante Mali said...

Oh, it would be wonderful to strawl around with you. Can smell all the delicious food!
All my best

Benita said...

Love, love these photos! So beautiful! Those cookies look yummy! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful market!!!
I really love your photos and quotes!


Enara Girl said...

Have a great weekend dear! xoxo

Cheryl said...

Stunning photos :-)

sweetbriardreams said...

I do love a good market, there is so much more inspiration here than the lifeless plastic coated packaging found in supermarkets. Gorgeous photos of everything that's on offer. Take care xx

Magia da Inês said...

Bom fim de semana!
✿゚ه° ·.

Wonky Patchwork said...

You so often make me hungry! Luckily this time I'm reading at almost tea time!

Mrs. W. said...

Hello Amalia,

What fun! My favorite photos are the potted plants on the railing, the pastries, and the shelves of pans in the kitchen.


Erica said...

You sens of market is so authentic and warm through your photos.

Diane said...

Wow what wonderful pictures it is like I am really there strolling threw the streets.
Hugs Diane

Beth said...

I love outdoor markets - and your photos are so lovely! Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie said...

Great looking market. It looks like egg plant hollowed out. How would you use this in cooking? What are the other vegetables next to the eggplant?

Donna said...

The market looks amazing. I wish we had more like that here in the States. When we travel to Europe, one of our favorite things to do is shop at all of the wonderful little markets!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Your market photos are lovely! They make me yearn for spring to arrive!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Such lovely photos, Amalia! You have such a talent for capturing the feeling of a place...I always feel like I paid a visit!

Poções de Arte said...

Uma caminhada "aromática" que nos enche de vontade de provar algumas delícias!
Obrigada pelo carinho com a Lojinha Poções de Arte .
Abração e lindo dia.

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

I would love to visit. Your pictures are terribly inviting. Beautiful.

Rosie said...

I've enjoyed walking in the market with you, all those lovely stalls and tasty produce. Your photos are super, thank you for taking us to see such wonderful places:)

handmade by amalia said...

Best comment ever, Wendy. I love the idea of walking through the market with virtual friends and thank you for the "rhymalia" :-)

handmade by amalia said...

There is something special about a sunny day in the middle of winter.

handmade by amalia said...

We make a dish of stuffed vegetables, either with rice and spices or rice with ground meat. The other veg is two kinds of courgettes. We usually serve the stuffed courgettes in tomato sauce and the stuffed eggplants baked in the oven.
This market is the only place I know that sells vegetables already hollowed, which is a good thing because stuffing them is work enough :-)

Summer said...

All these produce look so fresh and bright♥

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

What a beautiful market, full of wonderful foods and fresh veggies. I love Farmer's markets.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a wonderful market you have to enjoy!

Polly said...

Hello Amalia, this looks like a great market. Beautiful photos and I love your poetry. Your posts are fun x

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for sharing the world around you through photos and verse, Amalia. I admire both! xx

A Joyful Cottage said...

Warmth, light, stone. Colorful produce and sweet treats. A respite. You captured it well, Amalia. Simple beauty. Hugs, Nancy

Beauty Follower said...

Great pics... love to visit open food markets!

Retro blue said...

So many tastes:) Thank's for sharing.
For us, the best hummus always, was in Tel Awiw:)

handmade by amalia said...

Oh no! It is a truth universally acknowledged that the best hummus is in Haifa :-)

FlashinScissors said...

All that food looks so lovely! I've never seen aubergines sold with holes in them before, but then I guess they just aren't popular in England! And the cakes/pastries look delicious.

Thank you, Amalia, for walking us around the Wadi Nisnas market. It's wonderful to be able to see other peoples homelands!

Recently we've been drinking Earl Grey tea with cardamoms, as in Persian tea, must try them in our coffee too!

Hugs! Barbara xx

ewa777 said...

Very interesting photos. I also paid my special attention to the hollowed vegetables.That's a good idea:)

white and vintage said...

Hello Amalia,
thanks a lot for your lovely coment! Your pictures are so nice and colourful <3!
Have a nice time,


Que delícia!! Queria estar aí:)


Alicia said...